Nightmare Invasion

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Turlandb: Hori shiato! More?!

Splendid: Yep!

Jacqueline: Heya!

Luna: Sweet!

Blizzard: The more, the merrier, I guess.

Lexi: :D

Uni: So... This Lapis gal... Wolf hunter?

Luna: Yes. She's racist towards wolves and is trying to make them extinct.

Lexi: I swear to god... If this bitch-ass goes for my foxy waifu... I W I L L T E A R H E R L I M B S O F F A N D E A T T H E M F O R D I N N E R !

Uni: Aww~ :3

LM SMG4: Bleaugh!

Turlandb: ...Anyways... It's getting dark, so we better get some sleep.

Smesh: But won't this Nightmare guy try to come after us if we do that?

Turlandb: Oh, it's EXACTLY what I want him to do.

Cristina: How so?

Turlandb: Me and Infinite are gonna fight this guy inside one of our heads. He can't be harmed in reality. Only in the dream world.

Jacqueline: Ah...

Turlandb: Yeah... So anyways, who wants to tell a scary story around this campfire that totally didn't show up just now?

Infinite: I'm down with that! :D

Nighttime... 3:00 A.M....

Turlandb: Zzz...

Jen: Zzz...

Infinite: Zzz...

Crystal: Zzz...

Luna: Zzz...

Flame: Zzz...

Smesh: Zzz...

Cristina: Zzz...

Machito: Zzz...

Terminator T-750: *I think it's asleep...?*

Jacqueline: Zzz...

Blizzard: Zzz...

Splendid: Zzz...

Uni: Zzz...

Lexi: Zzz...

LM SMG4: Zzz...

Nightmare: *Rises out of the ground* Hehehehehehehe...

Nightmare approaches Turlandb.

Nightmare: Not only am I gonna eat his dreams... This time... I will also KILL him... Hehehehehe...

Nightmare dives into Turlandb's head.

Turlandb: ...

Alarm clock: ...WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

Everyone: WHA?!

Everyone except Turlandb wakes up.


Smesh: *Stomps on the alarm clock*

Alarm clock: I am ded.

Cristina: Jesus Christ...!

Jen: Turco?! TURCO?!

Turlandb: ...

Infinite: ...He came...

Lexi: Then what the hell are you waiting for?! GET DAT MOFO!

Infinite: Come with me, Jen. I'm sure bro would like to have his wife by his side.

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