Chapter 1 - Realizations And Revelations

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Any words with a * in front of them are lines directly from the show.

Luftwaffe = The German name for their Air Force

Kommandant = Commander

Frauen = Women

Mutter = Mother

Danke = Thank you

Reichsmarks = The currency of Nazi Germany. (It was discontinued in 1948.)

Onkel = Uncle

June 21st, 1945, at their dining table...

Summer had arrived in Germany, and the weather had been pleasantly warm earlier that day. By all accounts, the two friends inside the house should have been outside a long time ago enjoying it. But fate had other plans for them. Inside their new home were two opposing military generals locked in an intense game of chess, which they'd been playing all day and now into the night.

They were General Robert Edward Hogan, of the United States Army Air Force, and General Wilhelm Friederich Klink, of the Luftwaffe. The match was their third one to determine who won the bet they had made, with the loser having to do a dare of the other's choosing.

Knowing how competitive they both were, Klink had suggested they drink some schnapps while they played in order to relax them. Hogan had never been one to drink too often, though, so he didn't have the older officer's tolerance for alcohol. He wasn't drunk yet...but the term 'severely buzzed' could be applied in this case.

And it didn't help that his German counterpart had been telling the former senior POW officer about what it was like when he was at military school, because it only made his mind wonder about all the things he shouldn't be thinking about. Things about Klink, for example.

They'd started out as the typical thoughts a person might have, such as: what had the tall German looked like as a young man? Then there were the more unusual ones, like remembering how toned his body his body had been each time Hogan had seen him shirtless.

He was also wondering if the way Klink moved back then in comparison to now was any different. Were his movements still as graceful back then as they were in the present day, or had he only developed that ability shortly before they'd met?

Even if some of those questions were perfectly innocent, none of them were helping to stamp down what his mind was churning out. Between his vivid imagination and his raging hormones, Hogan was going to do something he'd surely regret if these thoughts didn't stop! He'd had a terrible case of raging lust since the night they'd had their wrestling match. And it had only intensified since then.

While he usually hated cold showers, they had come in quite handy to help stem the reaction those thoughts had on him. But despite what he did or did not want to do, Hogan had also had to interact with the former Kommandant at least once a day. That was due to rules of civilized warfare requiring him to give a report on the other POWs welfare and needs. Every time he'd seen Klink after that night, he was able to practice the art of getting rid of a 'problem' by sheer willpower.

Yet Hogan was no dummy regarding the feelings he'd developed. Though he usually preferred women, he still considered himself bisexual. He liked men just fine, but he also enjoyed getting lucky on occasion. Plus, he figured that sex with another man would probably hurt, seeing as logistics dictated that much. That was precisely the reason he'd never done more than causally kiss another man.

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