"Bye Bitches."

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"PETRAAAAAAAA" Hanji screamed. Petra ran downstairs as fast as her short legs could but ended up tripping and falling down the stairs. "Ow." She said. "Dammit Petra, you gotta go faster." Hanji explained. "Thanks Sonic the Bitchhog." Petra muttered. "Whatever, anyway I need you to babysit the children." Hanji told her. Petra choked on her own spit. "ME?! BABYSIT THOSE FOUR EVIL DEMONS?!" She glanced over at the kids. Eren and Anna were attempting to stab eachother, Alexa was reading until Anna pushed Eren into her and she jumped up and joined the fight, but Christa was sitting there like a cute child just being all cute and shit. "....THREE EVIL DEMONS AND ONE ANGEL." Hanji nodded. "Now go watch those shits because I have to go on a date with Excalibae." Petra rolled her eyes. "Fine. But if one of them dies it's not my fault."

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