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Petra mumbled a bunch of curses to herself. Anna ran over to her. "Petwa, WHERES MAMA HANJI?!" She cried. "She went on a date with 'Excalibae'" Petra explained. Anna threw her knife at the wall. "I can't take care of these children by myself." Petra opened up a cabinet in the kitchen and Levi fell out. "OW." He yelled. "Sorry." Petra apologized. Levi was Petra's boyfriend, except Mama Hanji hated him, so Petra had to hide him. Luckily, he was pretty much a midget so he could fit in the cabinet. "Look shortass, Hanji made me babysit the kids except their evil and I need help." Petra explained. Levi nodded. "Okay. But just saying I hate kids. And all people really. And I also hate dirt-" Petra slapped him. "SHUT UP SHORTASS AND WATCH THESE SHITS, YOU TAKE EREN AND ANNA AND ILL TAKE CHRISTA AND ALEXA." Petra screamed. "WHY DO I HAVE TO TAKE THE EVIL ONES?!" Levi argued. "HELLO YOUR HUMANITY'S STRONGEST SOLDIER I THINK YOU CAN HANDLE IT!!!!!!!!" She shouted. "Fine..." Levi mumbled. He picked the two babies up by their shirts. "Listen up you brats, if one of you gets anything in this house filthy at all, I WILL KICK YOU." Levi told them. Eren screamed. He had been through that once, he didn't want to expierience it again.

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