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Petra played with Alexa and Christa while Levi made the two demon children clean. Soon, Christa fell asleep and Alexa just read for who knows how long, and Petra, being a lazyass, fell asleep too. "Damn it.." Levi muttered. Eren spilled juice on the floor. "Ooops." He laughed. "F-F-F-" Levi stuttered angrily. "Ooooooo Levi's Gonna say a bad word." Anna laughed. "FILTHY" he screamed. He kicked Eren and Anna. They just kept laughing. "FCK BOTH OF YOU." Levi screamed again. He whipped out his broom and cleaned the floor. Then Anna popped up behind him and knocked him out. Then Eren dumped a bucket of dirt on him. Then both of them threw Levi in a dirty lake and fish shit on him. Then Levi woke up and screamed and tried to swim to the surface but his midget legs were preventing it. Then he got fished out of the water. By Erwin. "Thanks eyebrows." He said. "Don't call me eyebrows, bitch." Erwin replied. "Tch whatever your eyebrows look like they're full of dirt maybe I should shave them off." "I can throw you back into the water any time I want to so you better shut up, dickmouth." The hook thing got caught on Levi's pants so he was hanging by his butt. "CAN YOU PUT ME DOWN MY ASS HURTS." He cried. "Fine." Erwin threw Levi on land. Levi looked up to see the demon children laughing at him. "ILL GET YOU YOU ASSHOLES." Levi chased Eren and Anna back home but tripped in the mud, cried, and gave up.

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