1 || Cursed

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So Wattpad was a piece of poop and something happened and the og is just gone now so I guess I'm just gonna do this again with new chats
I've also forgotten everyone's usernames for this
Eva Kim - eeeeeva
Casper Carmen - Cas
Cassie Ellis - Thing.One
Hunter Webb - Thing_3
Flynn Sutton - Flynn
Lucky Bishop - Lucky
Ada Sanos - Thing-two
Sebastian Ayers - Bassy
Maven Ebony - Maven
Charlie (insert surname here) - Charlie
Alice Kim - Alice
Caleb Ulrich - Caleb
(Notice how all the adults are boring)

The Weirdo Squad

Thing.One: Eva, I dare you to-

Cas: Eva isn't allowed to accept dares

eeeeeva: apparently I have "no regard for my personal safety"


Flynn & eeeeeva Private Chat

Flynn: Stop it! Do you want me to never talk to you again?!


Flynn: What?

eeeeeva: hang on. I'm considering it


The Squad

Cas: when i say i'm 'feral' it doesn't always mean i'm angry. i'm just stupid and if you give me food you'll earn my trust and i'll follow you around


The Weirdo Squad

Thing_3: Let's play two truths and a lie

eeeeeva: Okay, I'll go first

eeeeeva: My hair is purple, my eyes are brown and I'm the dead princess

Thing_3: I think you've got the idea, but it has to be a little more challenging

Thing.One: Her eyes are gold.


Thing_3: You're what?


Thing.One & Thing_3 Private Chat

Thing.One: Name ONE thing better than a dog

Thing_3: Two dogs

Thing.One: Oh sh-


The Weirdo Squad + Flynn

Flynn: "Ooooh look at me! I'm Cas and I fold all my clothes before putting them away!" I bet you chew your food before you swallow it too

Cas: Well... yeah???

Flynn: Pathetic


The Lads

eeeeeva: Hey Flynn, remember how excited Cas got when he found out he could drink two Caprisuns at once

Cas: Guys, you're not gonna believe this


The Weirdo Squad + Flynn

Cas: If I (legally) bought the Mona Lisa, would anyone be able to stop me from eating it?

eeeeeva: I mean... no

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