5 || Cursed

31 0 0

Yes, more Cursed, shhh
Eva Kim - eeeeeva
Casper Carmen - Cas
Cassie Ellis - Thing.One
Hunter Webb - Thing_3
Flynn Sutton - Flynn
Lucky Bishop - Lucky
Ada Sanos - Thing-two
Sebastian Ayers - Bassy
Tessa Ulrich - Teddy
Elizabeth Amulet - Lizzy


The Golden Trio

Flynn: Hey Cas, dragons like hoarding stuff right? What do you hoard?

eeeeeva: he likes to steal any and all jewellery I have. I don't know where half of it's gone and I want it back

Cas: ngh... but it's... shiny...


The Weirdo Squad

Thing.One: there's a big fight going on

eeeeeva: I'm erasing myself from the narrative

Thing.One: Cas might be in danger!

eeeeeva: I put myself back in the narrative



Thing_3: God help the person who dates Cassie Ellis

Thing-two: I'm dating her??

Thing_3: My condolences


The Squad

eeeeeva: I'm not the same person I was 18 minutes ago

eeeeeva: I am now slightly worse


The Golden Trio

Cas: I'm baby

Flynn: I'm bitch

eeeeeva: I'm bastard


The Squad

Bassy: When crows remember people who've wronged them and hold grudges it's "intelligent" and "really cool" but when I do it I'm "petty" and "need to move on"?


The Squad

Bassy: I don't dress to impress, I dress to depress. I wanna look so good that people hate themselves

eeeeeva: there, there, we already hate ourselves

Thing-two: Eva, we talked about this, don't tell him our secrets!



Thing_3: would either of you date a guy shorter than you?

Thing.One: no

Thing-two: no

Thing_3: that's a little shallow of you

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