8 || Cursed

22 0 0

Eva Kim - eeeeeva
Casper Carmen - Cas
Cassie Ellis - Thing.One
Hunter Webb - Thing_3
Flynn Sutton - Flynn
Lucky Bishop - Lucky
Ada Sanos - Thing-two
Sebastian Ayers - Bassy
Tessa Ulrich - Teddy
Elizabeth Amulet - Lizzy


The Squad

eeeeeva: Ada Sanos, will you bring me the honour of becoming my sister in law

Thing-two: I-

Thing.One: did you just propose to Ada for me?!?!

eeeeeva: it's not like you were gonna do it anytime soon

(For context, Eva and Cassie are technically step sisters)

The Weirdo Squad

Thing_3: I have a question

eeeeeva: shoot

Thing_3: in the word scent, is it the s or the c that is silent?

eeeeeva: fuck. i'm going to be thinking about this all day

Cas: okay, well cent is pronounced the same way as scent, so the I'd say the s

Thing_3: but sent is also pronounced the same way

eeeeeva: okay, the dictionary says that the c was added in the 17th century, so I guess the c is silent

Thing.One: plot twist, both the c and s are silent and the letter e makes the sss sound

eeeeeva: cassie isn't allowed to talk anymore


The Golden Trio

eeeeeva: when the leaf looks crunchy AND THEN ITS NOT

Flynn: I sometimes feel like you experience life in a much more intense way than most people

eeeeeva: oh, I definitely do


The Adult Squad

Maven: my husband (who is asleep) just rolled over, wrapped his arms around me and very lovingly whispered "I want to murder you"

Sammy: true romance


The Kims??

eeeeeva: how does ibuprofen know which part of my body is in pain

Maven: Ibuprofen binds specifically to the cylooxgenase enzymes in your body (cox 1 and cox 2) to inhibit the production of prostanoids (which are mainly responsible for inflammatory pain). Ibuprofen would be considered a cox antagonist

eeeeeva: can you dumb it down for me

Maven: Sure. James, you can do the honour

James: Ibuprofen reacts with drug receptor. Ibuprofen says stop making that shit that causes inflammation. The receptor listens to ibuprofen because it's a little bitch. The inflammatory pain is gone.

eeeeeva: thank you for your service


The Squad

eeeeeva: "You are what you eat," said the blue fairy, unwisely. Pinocchio turned sly eyes upon the elementary school

Lizzy: Eva, do you take constructive criticism

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