Day 15

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The date was January 2nd, and Greyson was standing in the cold with two coffees in his hands. Flurries of snow swept around his feet, which had left a trail of white footprints from the door of Starbucks to the edge of the sidewalk. Between the cars that whizzed by on Main Street, he looked across the road and through the tall windows of the bookstore. December was sitting in her usual seat, with her pens and notes still stuffed inside her bag. Greyson guessed the reason for that was standing at the other end of the store: Kyle. He was milling around his office in his khaki pants and button-down, with a coffee mug in hand and hair ruffled in all of his hungover glory.

Greyson rocked from heel to toe on the edge of the curb, urging himself to cross the street through the pain of the thin coffee cups burning his palms. When traffic eased up, he took small steps to cross the road in fear of slipping on ice and dropping the cups of caffeine. He was focused on his feet as he stepped up onto the sidewalk, and found himself bumping into Kyle, who was on his way out of the shop.

Greyson was lucky; his coffees were still in one piece, but a few drops from Kyle's mug splashed onto his shirt.

"Shit!" he shouted, wiping it frantically.

Greyson looked him up and down. Kyle's eyes were bloodshot and his shirt wasn't buttoned correctly. He could smell liquor on each breath that steamed up the frigid winter air. "Rough night?" Greyson asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kyle scoffed. "Obviously I wasn't the only one who partied this New Year." he said, eyeing the two large Starbucks cups in Greyson's hands.

"Oh, no, I-" Greyson started.

"You don't have to explain yourself." Kyle chuckled, "I won't tell your mommy."

Greyson bit his tongue, looking down. "Where's Emily?" he asked.

"Took it upon herself to end her shift a bit early, today." Kyle said, switching his mug from his right hand to his left. He slipped his arm into the sleeve of his jacket and shook his head. "I swear, I couldn't get that girl to do as I say if I strapped a shock collar around her neck."

Greyson laughed quietly, "That isn't a bad idea."

"Yeah, well." Kyle said as he started down the sidewalk, "If only it wasn't illegal."

Greyson nodded, though Kyle couldn't see him, and called after him, "Good luck with your hangover!"

He could hear Kyle snicker a few paces away. "You too, kid."

And again, Greyson was faced with the tall, wooden door that never seemed as menacing as it did today. His palms were sweating, not only from the hot coffee in his hands, but from the anxiety that had risen inside him. He'd thought that if December wouldn't give him a chance, then he'd bring the date to her. Now, he wasn't so sure.

His mother's words echoed in his head. You've got to fight, she told him. With his final ounce of courage, Greyson pushed open the door and took three strides over to December's table before he could convince himself not to. As usual, she had lost herself in whatever work she was doing. Greyson still didn't understand, but he didn't dare ask questions. Whatever it was, though, it kept her from noticing that he was standing over her table.

"Hi." Greyson started, eager to catch her attention. December set her pen down gently, but still didn't acknowledge him, and Greyson wasn't positive whether she noticed him or not. "I uh... I bought you a coffee."

December shook her head faintly, staring down at the book. "Why would you do that?"

Greyson's face flushed red, and in a fluster he answered, "Because."

Her Name Was DecemberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant