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Location: DORM #17, The Academy
Planet: HELIOS

"I'm dreaming. I'm absolutely dreaming." Jae joyously shouts as he lets himself fall onto his bed. "Holden Price is my mentor!"

"I still don't get why they chose us. We're from the Outskirts. I thought people hated us here." Sawyer mutters confused as he sits down by the window. He looks at the bright colors of the sky and the light from the sun which was slightly blocked by the tall buildings. Next to the buildings is where they built the Earth campus, a space on the campus filled with replicated objects from earth; things humans called trees, grass and flowers. It's probably the prettiest place Sawyer has ever seen. There was no place like this anywhere else in Helios nor any other planet.

 There was no place like this anywhere else in Helios nor any other planet

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"I can't wait to graduate so I can finally see earth with my own eyes." Sawyer says with a small smile as he gazes over the beautiful green colors of the trees.

"And I'll be the one to fly you out there like we always planned." Jae added as he stares at the plain white ceiling. The two best friends stay silent for a while.

"I just hope Rue Lennox isn't a complete bitch.. She seems so cold."

Suddenly the door bursts open, making the two boys instantaneously flinch. A tall dark-skinned guy enters with a golden badge on his uniform. He looks a bit older and is, compared to the slim figures of Jae and Sawyer, quite built.

"Evening rooks!" The guy loudly greets with a humorous tone. "My name's Calix Sno. Here to take you two to The Elite Section."

The younger boys blink in surprise at the unexpected visitor. What the actual fuck.

"Ehm.. okay?" Jae responds confused.

Calix grins at the oh-so familiar puzzled expression every rookie at their first day make. This shit never gets old, he thinks to himself.

"Come on, let's go!" He says as he gestures them to follow him.

LOCATION: The Elite Section

"Out of all people, you seriously let Calix pick those kids up?" Aeryn asks worried as she walks towards Rue who is stretching at the side of the training grounds.

"... Is that bad?" Rue asks confused as she stops for a moment to look up at Aeryn.

"Yes! He's probably gonna scare those two. Poor boys." Aeryn responds worried.

"No, he's not. I think Calix is more mature than that."

"S- so what you're saying is whenever Sawyer makes a mistake, Rue will push him off the top of the academy?" Jae asks frightened.

Calix nods as he tries not to burst into laughter. "Oh yeah. Rue really gets a kick out of it. It's a bit concerning, really. But we don't want to say anything cause, you know, it's Rue."

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