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Location: EARTH CAMPUS, The Academy
Planet: HELIOS
(Song: Indigo Puff • LAYLA Rework)

Sawyer walks through the Earth campus all alone, headed towards the city center. He had just finished his lecture taught by Lightwood. Usually he would be training with Rue, but she had a prior commitment and so she sent him new stuff to practice for the next training session.

But since it's the end of the school week, he figured he would practice in the weekend and spend some time exploring the city.. alone.. since Holden had the time to train Jae.

Ever since last monday's session when Sawyer and Rue sparred, things have changed only slightly. Rue Lennox was still being cold, but her way of mentoring became better and things went way smoother than before.

She even complimented him.. well.. she said that he wasn't as bad as she expected him to be, but I guess he considered it a compliment since it was Rue.

Sawyer frowns at the sudden sight of Ion and Rue talking privately in the distance at the entrance of the campus. They seem to be having the most serious conversation.

"Sawyer!" Jae calls, causing Sawyer to turn around. He scowls as he sees Jae jogging towards him with a smile. "Hey. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be training with Holden?" Sawyer asks confused.

Jae's face falls all of a sudden. "Yeah.. about that. Something came up actually. We were practicing in the simulation. I managed to memorize Holden's notes and so everything went well, but then he got some text and without much explanation he just told me he had to go see Rue. It was urgent."

Sawyer looks back at Rue and Ion who were now joined by an angry looking Holden Price.

"You're being unfair, Rue." Holden says pissed.

"I'm not." She responds.

Holden quickly shifts his eyes from Rue to Ion and then back to Rue. "Listen, I don't know what you two are up to and I know Lightwood's in on this as well, but I think it's unfair you guys are leaving me out of it and I want you to tell me!"

Rue grabs Holden's arm and pulls him away. "Let's talk privately." She says as she drags him towards the Earth Campus near a replicated willow tree.

Holden pulls his arm away and stares her down. "I know it feels like I'm hiding stuff from you, but I promise you, it's really none of your concern. All I ask is for you to trust me. Please." Rue pleads as she looks at him with desperation in her yet gentle eyes. Holden could never resist her. He has known this girl since they were little kids.

As Rue had a soft spot for Holden, so had Holden the same for her.

"Fine." He replies with a deep sigh filled with disappointment.

Rue smiles and surprises Holden as she pulls him into a tight hug as if there's not going to be a tomorrow.. but he doesn't stop her. He hugs her back instead and closes his eyes.

He suddenly feels his heart beating faster and he feels his body getting warmer, leaving him utterly puzzled. Is it normal to feel like this when hugging your best friend? They've hugged tons of times before and never has he felt like this.

Immediately Holden lets go and stares blankly at the girl with the short raven black hair and the unsettling deep brown eyes of Rue Lennox.

She looks away. "I have to go.. so–"

"Where are you headed? I'll fly you." He cuts her off as he responds very quick.

Rue shakes her head. "No! I ehm– I'm going to visit home for the weekend. It's totally fine. I can go alone.. I- I want to.. actually." She stammers awkwardly.

"No, really. I in–"

"Holden!" Someone familiar shouts from afar. Both Holden and Rue turn towards the noise and both widen their eyes as if they're caught as princess Luna runs towards them with Ion Wells walking right behind her.

Within seconds the princess finds herself in the arms of her boyfriend. Holden tries to meet Rue's eyes, but she immediately looks away. It's a sight she'd rather not see.

Luna kisses Holden's cheek and they exchange genuine smiles before Luna notices Rue.

"Rue! It is so good to see you again!" She greets. Rue bows subtlety yet formally at her and forces a smile. "Likewise, your highness... but as much as I would like to stay and talk, I really have to go. I have a train to catch."

"Oh really? Where are you headed?" Luna asks curiously.

Rue remains silent and tries to hold in the grudge she holds against the royal family for she believes it's their fault why life in the Outskirts is absolute hell.

"I'm visiting the orphanage for the weekend." Rue utters barely audible. No one, not even Holden, knows how she really feels towards Luna and her mother, but if she ever decides to speak up then it'll be during a time where she wishes to die.

Luna takes Rue's hand in hers. "How lovely! I hope you'll have a great visit there." Luna responds as she lets go again. "Very well then. I won't take any more of your time. Till we meet again, Rue." She says as she gracefully waves her goodbye, making Rue to automatically take a few steps further from them.

Holden tries to say something, but he gets pulled away by the princess. Ion comes to stand next to Rue and together they watch how Holden is being controlled again, pretending to be a man he isn't. "So when are you planning to tell him?" Ion asks.

"Tell him what?"

"Tell him you love him.." Ion says with a teasing tone, making Rue widen her eyes in surprise. "I don't!" She immediately denies.

"You can't fool me, Rue Lennox. One of the reasons you agreed to this next mission is because you want to keep your distance from him. Am I right?" Ion turns his head to Rue and awaits patiently for her response.

She sighs deeply and takes in what she has planned on her schedule in a few days;
The next mission.

"There's only one reason why I agreed to do this." Rue then says.

Ion raises his eyebrow. "And that is?"

"I want to know the truth
about myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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