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Location: ELITE SECTION, The Academy
Planet: HELIOS
(Song: Need You by Ember Island)

So, Sawyer and Jae eventually did find out that Rue and Holden wouldn't drop them off the building if they made a mistake, but experiencing training now for the past two weeks, I think the boys wouldn't see the difference between the ache of training and falling from a tall building because well;

Sawyer groans out of pain as he flies against the wall, pushed by one of the training bots. Calix looks away, knowing how painful that must've been. The young rookie slowly stands up and looks at Rue who is standing by the side of the training ground, controlling the strength of the bot with a remote. "Again." She says.

They've been training with them for two weeks and not even once has Sawyer felt a little bit of mercy from his mentor. They see each other every morning to train for two hours and then after classes they train again for another four hours without a single break. It's absolutely tiring.

And then during lunches it's like Sawyer and Jae are complete strangers to Rue.

Sawyer slowly walks back towards the bot and starts fighting again.
Meanwhile, Jae and Holden are inside the ship simulation, practicing how to defend when in a battle during travel.

"Since last time you somehow managed to almost explode this entire thing, I decided to bring you something useful." Holden takes out of his bag a dusty and ripped binder filled with notes before handing it to Jae who looks cluelessly at the strange object. "It's called a binder. Something Lightwood found when he was on earth." Jae's eyes widen at the mention of Earth.

"I started using this when I was a freshman whenever I was training with Ion. It's filled with all sorts of notes and everything he taught me. It's starts out with basic knowledge, but the more you flip through the pages, the more advanced it becomes.. I want you to have it."

Jae's eyes widen as he stares down at the binder in his hands. Never in a million years did Jae think that he'd be receiving something so special from Holden Price.

"I- I don't know–"

"Just take it. I know everything by heart what's written in there and you should too eventually." Holden says with a smile.

Jae turns his head to the older guy and returns the smile. "Thank you." He mutters.

"Alright!" Holden says as he claps his hands. "Let's see what you've got in store for us today! Just a reminder that there's been a few changes with the panels so let's start with pressing the blue button to start the engine."

Blue button.. That must be pretty easy, right? Last week Jae had to start the engine by typing in some weird code he had to memorize.

Jae looks down at the control panels and frowns as he notices the endless amount of blue buttons in front of him. This has got to be another joke..

"Ehm.. okay.." Jae murmurs.

Don't mess this up, Jae! If you make a mistake again then all that Calix has said two weeks earlier about you and Sawyer was complete bullshit.

Without hesitation, Jae immediately clicks the first blue button, causing Holden to smirk, but nothing happens.

Jae looks at his mentor for help who just grins at him. "Good thing you're wearing a harness." Holden says, making Jae scowl in confusion.

"Why would I be needing a–" Within seconds, Jae gets launched out of the simulator. He shouts loudly as he sees himself heading towards Sawyer who is too focused on defeating the bot.

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