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Mike Chang Jr. couldn't skateboard, Floyd realized that pretty quickly into their little skating adventure. It was quite interesting as the horrible skater asked for his friend to join him, Floyd knew he couldn't skate while Mike had a small dream of learning how to skate.

The skatepark was full of middle schoolers, nearly any boy younger than them. A group of freshmen began to grow annoyed with Mike's attempts at skating that they began to help and coach him. Floyd laughed at the sight of his friend trying to learn but failing.

After an hour and a half, they came to the conclusion that Mike isn't meant to skate, dancing can stay his thing. Floyd felt for his bruised friend which is why they ended up at Breadstix, him promising to pay for them both to which Mike responded with a wink.

"The first date to many." Mike flirted from across the table.

"You know it, Mikey." Floyd winked then turned to his menu, he had to find a pasta that would satisfy his tastebuds. Of all things, Floyd could spend the rest of his life thanking the person that created pasta especially with so many kinds of pasta being available.

The meal went on pretty great with the two besties talking about any and everything even Mike's confusing sex life. It actually wasn't that confusing just sad since it seemed to be Mike had an issue with having sex all the time, he missed nice nights in that didn't turn into some messy horny moment that he didn't even truly want to be in starting.

"It's exhausting, she doesn't have an off switch. I love Tina and love those moments with her but I miss sex being a romantic experience rather than a 20 minute sweaty mess." Mike ranted over his hamburger, the fact that he got a hamburger at an Italian based restaurant got to Floyd.

Moments like this made Floyd think back to a time where oddball Mike Chang Jr. wasn't in his life, their friendship didn't have any origin it just started and now Floyd couldn't dream about being without Mike. Floyd had many friends but none of them felt like a soulmate bond, Mike felt like a soulmate bond.

"You know I just really love you and appreciate our friendship. I feel like nobody ever voices that but right now I just want you to know that." Floyd voices while cutting up his very long spaghetti noodles.

"I love you too, I would ride a million skateboards for you." 

"And I would ride a million skateboards for you."

They both truly meant it even though it made absolutely no sense.

Will Schuester made no sense to Floyd, the things his godfather did and reacted to some situations seemed to be a little confusing for the teenager. Despite never having a true role model, Floyd still found a way to figure out situations and his emotions without being too messy something that his godfather seemed to not have figured out.

"So why does this Emma thing matter so much? She obviously loves the dentist guy and he loves her, whats so wrong with that? It's not like you ever voiced how you felt." Floyd states trying to understand his godfather while asking the real questions.

"Floyd, you are young and have never felt like this towards someone. It matters because she's Emma and that's all I need to say, she's Emma. It's hard to voice how you feel just as it's hard to see her in love with someone else who isn't me." 

Floyd didn't understand, not enough. 

His last two relationships were easy, the first was a nice middle school relationship with James Opal, an athletic boy that took a liking to Floyd and just asked him out. They never made it to the love stage because their three months together weren't much.

His second and latest relationship experience had been with gorgeous dancer, Rosario Luclyn. His arts school had been made up of many talented people but none of them ever matched up to how Rosario looked in his eyes. He had asked her out despite being close to shitting himself, she had agreed and started a nice nearly two year relationship.

The way Will felt about Emma could be matched to how Floyd felt about Rosario at the time. He did love her and only saw her, a good and bad thing, the one detail that had an impact on their relationship. He spent too much time on his relationship and her rather than ever himself, an issue that neither of them saw until the very end.

So Floyd didn't understand fully how Will felt because now he couldn't say the same about Rosario, he couldn't even think about how he felt at the time of them being together.

"Maybe one day I'll understand." Floyd concluded finishing his conversing for the night and deciding to head to bed. 

The next few days brought a weird situation involving intimate moments and Coach Beiste, something that Floyd never thought would be happening. The whole idea and Mike's story felt to fever dreamish, Floyd considered himself being either really high or still sleeping for this all to be happening.

"Tina really mumbled Coach Bieste when you guys were making out?" Floyd questioned for the tenth time in that hour, his voice being pretty loud compared to everyone in the library with them. 

"Yes, I didn't even know what to think when it was happening. Quinn told me that Sam did the same thing when they had been together a few nights ago." 

"Wait when the heck did Quinn and Sam happen? They have barely spoken." Floyd mumbled seriously lacking in knowing what is going on with everyone around him. He couldn't really be shocked thought since he has never shown any interest in anything in the school except the Cheerios, he barely spoke at Glee practice.

"Dude this is old news even though I'm still hurt that Sam didn't tell us, I thought we were some trio like how Santana, Quinn, and Brittany are. We could've been the male version but Sam basically left us." Mike complained nearly ready to get into a speech about the importance of friendship and what they could've been.

"Every trio involves two people being significantly closer than how they are with the third, its like a couple with a third wheel most times. Trios rarely work but luckily we are the couple than the third wheel." 

Mike easily high five to that then continued with bullshitting his newest essay, if he finished it within the next hour than he could spend extra time in the dance studio with Floyd. The pair have been trying new dance routines to keep up with other dancers.

"Tina would be a third wheel to us."

"No doubt."


next chapter will involve Quinn and Floyd, this one is mostly to show more into Floyd, his past, and his friendships. I really want to showcase him and his friendship with Mike rather than jumping into a relationship because it wouldn't feel natural enough.

Also I'll barely base my book off of the episodes, I might bring moments up or what is going on but I'll never really put Floyd there unless its really important or makes sense to the book. This is kind of behind the scenes of the show. It would be boring if I followed the glee script so please just enjoy this.

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