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Jeongguk wakes up having slept better than the last night, partially because he dreamed about a certain cutie and maybe because he was exited for them to meet again

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Jeongguk wakes up having slept better than the last night, partially because he dreamed about a certain cutie and maybe because he was exited for them to meet again.

He puts a hand over his hear, feeling it beat fast at the thought of the younger. He smiles to himself before getting up to get ready for the day, slapping himself once, twice to wake up.

After the incident the two texted for sometime after, deciding on the place to eat lunch and when.

Jeongguk wasnt the only one exited about this meet up. Taehyung, much like Jeongguk, was up bright and early to get ready for their date. Well he likes to think it is a date. For gods sake he isnt even sure if the attractive male with the bunny smile is just doing this to be nice or because hes intrested in him.

Of course he hopes its the latter, his heart also beating faster at the thought of the older.

He looks in the mirror, seeing a little bruise on his hip from where Jeongguk knocked him over. He traces over it slightly whincing but smiles, remembering Jeongguks words: your cute skirt distracted me

Exitedly he walks over to his closet to pick what he would wear today wanting to look extra cute.

He smiles as he find the perfect outfit

He smiles as he find the perfect outfit

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Paaring it with some chunky filas. He smile at himself in the mirror, putting on some make up and looks at the clock, 11am in an hour they would meet.

At this point Jeongguk was starting to panic, bot finding anything to wear. Eventually also finding something that fits his style and the weather outside

 Eventually also finding something that fits his style and the weather outside

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He puts on some lip tint smiling at himself in the mirror. He didnt know why he was so nervous, no one has ever made him feel like this.

He grabs his car keys as he makes his way out the house, he might be 30 minutes early but thats better than being late, right?

He arrives at the Café and sits down at one of the tables nervously fiddeling with his fingers. A couple minutes later the door to the small café opens again and in walks Taehyung. Jeongguk looks at his watch to see if time really passed so fast and Taehyung to see if he was late.


They both chuckle, Taehyung making his way over  "I guess we're both early" he smiles at him "yeah I guess we are, i didnt want to be late and dissapoint such a beautiful thing as you" he looks at him smiling. Taehyung looks down "I'm not that pretty" he mumbles making Gguk chuckle "Yes you are. You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen" he smiles

Taehyung just mumbles a small 'thank you' before noticing what both of them were wearing and starts laughing, making Jeongguk confused

"Our Outfits, we match" he chuckles and Jeongguk then also notices "I guess we do Princess, We just have a special conection" He smiles

They order coffee and cake, noticing they have the same taste

"I-I have a question" Taehyung starts looking down at his cake "this-this isnt just a pity date because you knocked me over, right?" the unsureness in his voice could be heard

Jeongguk frowns "No! Of course not" he starts "I've bumped into loads of people before and you're the first I've asked on a date, you-you just, I dont know, pull me in and make me want more of you"

Taehyung blushes even more "You also make me want more of you" his voice timid and shy

Jeongguk smiles, an awkward silence filling the room. He coughs "so uh, how is the cake?"

"Huh? Oh, the-the cake is good, how bout yours?"

"Yeah, mine is also good"

Some more seconds of silence

"Would you maybe like to go see a movie with me after this? A-at my place? I have netflix and a popcorn machine" Taehyung stammers out, quickly looking back down too afraid of rejection

"Yes, yes of course" Jeongguk smiles making Taehyung look up and smile aswell "great" he claps his hands exitedly

"You dont have a dog allergy, right?"

He shakes his head confused

"Good because I have a puppy named Yeontan and hes pretty clingy" He laughs

"No I love puppies, I have bunnies at my place" He smiles at him. "Do you go to college?"

Taehyung nods "Yes I study Art" he smiles "and you?"

"I do aswell, I'm a dance major, do you to SPA?"

To that question he nods again "you do too?"

He nods "How come I've never seen you before, I'm pretty sure I would have remembered such a pretty face" and body he wanted to add

Taehyung blushes "I-I usually dont wear this stuff to college. I'm afraid that I'll get bullied"

Jeongguk groans "Stick with me and no one will bully you"

They finish eating, Jeongguk pays much to Taehyungs dismay

"Did you bring your car?" the younger asks to which the older nods "Well then prince charming drive us to my humble home"


This is the first chapter, next one will come tmr or on monday!

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