Chapter Nine - James

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James couldn't believe that he was sat next to Lily Evans!  That the girl he'd had a crush on since he met her was actually talking to him! His heart was racing so fast that he thought it would actually burst out of his chest.

"Earth to James! Do you read me?" Remus said loudly, snapping James out of his daydream.

"Apologies Moony, we seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties." Sirius said, poking James in the arm. Lily started laughing and James found himself laughing with her.

"What is it with your guys' nicknames?" Lily asked suddenly.

"What do ya mean Evans?" Sirius seemed confused.

"Why do you call each other weird things like Moony or Prongs?" She asked again.

"Oh." James said. "Uhhhh." He tried to find a cover story. She couldn't know that they were unregistered animagi. Considering she'd never broken a rule ever, Lily would go mental. She'd hate them again and James really didn't want that.

"I don't know really. We just came up with animals for each other and made nicknames to do with them." Remus lied. James stared at him for a moment and then nodded. He couldn't believe Remus had covered for him. Even after he'd given them all the talk that if someone asked about it they'd have to tell the truth.

"Oh. You guys are weird." Lily laughed. The carriage stopped and they were at Hogwarts again. James almost couldn't believe that they hadn't been there the whole time.

"Well here you go Evans." James said, handing Lily her trunk. The five of them got off the carriage and split apart. The Marauders went one way and Lily went to find Snivellus.

"Maybe I was wrong James." Remus said as they made their way up to the castle.

"Wrong about what?" James asked, confused.

Remus sighed, "Maybe she will say yes."

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