Chapter Seventeen - Severus

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Sev sat alone and watched as Lily ran off. He spotted Potter through the window and wondered if he should warn her, but then the two of them started talking. Anger boiled up in him. Hadn't Lily just been talking to him a moment ago? Hadn't all her attention been on Severus? Why was she talking to Potter? He didn't have much time to wonder this, however, because Lucius arrived and offered his hand to help Severus up. Taking it, Sev stood and Luce grinned.

"Bella wants to talk to you." Was all he said before leading Severus off. They walked through the corridors until they reached a tapestry hanging on the wall. Lucius pulled it away to reveal a door. Just as Severus was about to ask where they were going, Lucius knocked on the door three times in some sort of rhythm. Somehow, the door swung open to reveal a room full of students. The majority were Slytherins, but Sev saw some Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws too. They all stood up when Lucius walked in and the boy grinned wickedly.

"Come Severus." He said. Sev had to admit, he was a little creeper out but then he reminded himself that these people hated the marauders too and he followed Lucius up to the desk at the end of the room. On the black armchair, sat Bellatrix and next to her Narcissa stood looking as if she were in another world altogether.

"So, Severus, someone told me that they saw you with a mudblood." Bellatrix looked as if she were about to kill someone. How did she find out about Lily?, Sev thought. "Is this true Sev." She spat. Severus nodded slowly.

"Really! I thought those were just rumors!" Lucius exclaimed. He seemed disappointed. It made Severus uncomfortable.

"Its okay Luce, because he's new. He didn't know any better." Bellatrix said slowly, her eyes looked like pits of hell. "So, Severus, we're going to give you another chance. If we see you talking to a mudblood or blood traitor again, I'm afraid you will regret it." Not hang out with Lily? Did they knew how much she meant to him? He hoped not, then he'd been kicked out of their group for sure.

"Okay." Replied Severus, his voice shaking.

After the meeting had ended, Lucius walked off at top speed and Sev had to run to keep up with him. They walked past five classrooms before Lucius finally spoke.

"Why would you do something like that?" He sounded hurt, which was odd because Severus hadn't even known him for that long.

"I don't know." Sev lied. "I didn't know what she was." Though of course he knew! It was Lily!

"I thought we were going to be friends. I can't hang out with someone who supports mudbloods." Lucius whispered and ran off, leaving Severus on his own. Just like Lily had. Except Lily had left him for Potter and Lucius had left him because of Lily. Well, he didn't need Lily anyway. He would keep away from her if it meant that Lucius would protect him from the marauders. He could act as if she meant nothing to him. That's what he was going to do.

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