Chapter Sixteen - Lily

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Anger rushed through Lily's veins as she stormed through the castle halls. She couldn't believe that Sev would do something like this. Surely he'd have some sort of explanation for this. It must be some sort of misunderstanding.

Lily could hear James and Sirius' footsteps behind her and she wondered if this was all a big ploy to get her to find Sev for them. But it couldn't be. Even they wouldn't lie about something like this.

It wasn't difficult to find Sev once Lily had checked the great hall. After all, she knew every spot he used to hide from the marauders because she hide with him on occasion. Lily marched through the corridor that led to the transfiguration courtyard and, although she knew Sev was going to have a perfectly reasonable answer, she found it reassuring to know that James and Sirius were following her.

"Sev!" Lily shouted as she entered the courtyard. There was no reply. Of course there wasn't, Sev wouldn't come out with James and Sirius there. "Maybe you two should go." Lily said quietly, turning to the boys behind her.

"No way, what if he hexes you too?" James declared. Lily gave him a small smile.

"Just go inside then. I need some time alone with him." She persisted. James nodded though he didn't seem too happy with this decision. Sirius and him walked back inside and Lily walked over to where Severus sat in a dark corner.

"Sev, what happened?" She whispered, sitting down next to him. He looked up at her and didn't say a word. "Why did you hex Frank? He's not done anything wrong!" Lily snapped, fed up of Sev's silence.

"It wasn't me, it was Luce...Malfoy. I was just walking by and I wanted to see what was going on." He explained. Lily nodded. He had an explanation. Of course he did. She didn't care that it sounded like he was lying to her, she didn't want to lose her best friend.

"I believe you, but don't get caught up in anything like this again." Lily whispered, putting her hand on Sev's arm and smiling at him. He glanced around, as if to check that no one was watching, it was probably in case the marauders came. Lily suddenly stood up, remembering that James and Sirius were probably waiting for her to tell them what Sev had said.

"I've got to go." Lily said quickly. Severus gave her a smile and looked at the ground.

When Lily went back inside the castle the first thing she noticed was that Sirius had left. So it was just her. And James. Great. The second was that James was biting his nails and anxiously staring at the door.

"Lily!" He exclaimed as soon as he spotted her. James moved forwards as if he was going to hug her, but stopped. "You're okay."

"Of course I am." Lily snapped. "Why wouldn't I be?" Lily knew that she was just taking out her anger on James, but it was so much easier than calming down. He looked taken aback.

"I don't know." James said, stepping backwards. Part of Lily wanted to apologize, but her pride said no.

"Exactly." Lily responded. "You can leave now." She added when he stayed. Nodding, James walked off. Lily sighed loudly and left for her next lesson.

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