Chapter Twenty One - James

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James was late to breakfast that morning. He had stayed awake for most of the night wondering why Lily apologized to him. It couldn't be that It was best not to get his hopes up. Isn't that what he had done last time and how had that turned out? In the end, James managed to get around an hour of sleep before Remus woke him.

"James Fleamont Potter, if you don't want to go to charms with an empty stomach, I suggest you hurry the hell up." Remus had shouted, pulling the covers off of James.

In other words, James had been forced to quickly get dressed into his robes and then Remus dragged him down to the great hall. Sirius was the first to notice that James wasn't acting like his normal amazing self.

"What you thinking about Jamie?" Sirius asked. James rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple of hundred times.

"Nothing much." He replied, stifling a yawn. Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Jameson, what's the answer for question twenty in our transfiguration quiz?" Sirius asked with a slight grin. James didn't remember if they had had a quiz, but he tried to think of what the answer could've been. "Oh god, Prongs we only had ten questions! Is something wrong?" Sirius shouted, standing up and pretending to be seriously worried. James rolled his eyes, though it hurt his head.

"Are you alright though James?" Remus asked. "Is it because I woke you up?" Moony's face was painted with worry and James shook his head.

"Its not your fault Remus." James said quietly.

"Then what is it?" Moony replied. James shook his head again.

"Whoever it is, I'll kill them!" Sirius declared, almost growling. This brought a slight smile to James' tired face.

"I'm just tired you guys." James said, it was partially true. "Don't worry about it." The rest of the marauders gave him a sympathetic look before returning to their previous conversation which appeared to be about whether or not Sirius could pull off a shaven head. Either that or something about Peter's bed, but that seemed very unlikely. James mostly zoned out of whatever they were talking about anyway, giving the occasional nod to pretend he was listening.

Then something happened. Something he wouldn't ever have thought would happen in a million years. Something that.. Well you get the picture. Lily Evans- LILY EVANS- walked up to him. Her ginger hair was tied into a messy ponytail and she carried a pile of textbooks.

"Are you okay James?" She asked, seeming genuinely worried. James opened his mouth to reply, then remembered his vow to never speak with Lily again. So he nodded instead.

"You sure?" Lily put her books down on the table and sat next to him. James nodded once more.

"Lilo!" Sirius exclaimed when he turned around and saw Lily. "Whatcha doing?" Lily rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Sirius." She said quietly. Surprisingly enough, Sirius obeyed. Though not before shooting her a nasty glance that Lily, so very well, pretended to ignore.

"Lily!" A girl said, appearing behind Lily. James recognized her as Mary McDonald. "Alice needs help with History of Magic homework that's due today!" Lily nodded and she was gone, just as soon as she had arrived.

"Goodbye Lilarina!" Sirius exclaimed at the top of his voice, clearly enjoying the fact that he could talk again. James slumped down in his seat and leant his head against the table. Why was Lily appearing everywhere that he was?

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