Chapter Sixteen

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Riley called me this morning and told me she couldn't make it to my fitting because she was sick. Her voice sounded more tried than sick but when you plan a wedding it's understandable.

I thought about asking my mom to come with me but she had to work today. Farkle offered to go with me and cancel his plans with his girlfriend but I didn't let him.

As I walked down the street to the bridal shop I couldn't help but count the days down until Riley was getting married. I planned on leaving and going back to California the night of the wedding. I most likely would make it three steps into the airport before crying my eyes out.

When I reached the bridal shop a woman led me to fitting room with the red dress hung on a hook.

"The days are counting down so just let me see how it fits on you. If you think it's to loose or tight let me know," an older lady said softly.

"Thanks," I shut the door behind her and started at the beautiful dress.

Riley was going to make such a beautiful bride.

The dress slipped on and I stepped out expecting to see the lady waiting for me but she wasn't there. I decided to wait for her by stepping up in front of the full Length mirror.

I stared at my reflection. I couldn't help but wish Riley was the one standing up here trying on my bridesmaid dresses.

"You look beautiful," a voice says behind me.

I look up into the mirror and I meet those green eyes, "Why are you here?"

"Because Riley said you were here," Lucas said

I stepped away from the mirror and walked toward my door, "You shouldn't be here Lucas."

"No I need to be here," Lucas said taking my hand.

"Go home Lucas," I tried to pull my arm away but his grip was to strong.

"Maya talk to me."

"Talk to you about what? Your the one who's getting marred to my best friend in a couple weeks."

"Your the one who left for six years and never called me back."

"Your the one who didn't stop me from leaving."

Lucas dropped my hand, "I didn't know you wanted to be stopped."

"You didn't know a lot things," I said backing up from him.

"I didn't know a lot of things back then but I know a lot of things now," Lucas said walking closer to me.

"What do you know now that you didn't know then?" I asked.

Lucas put his finger under my chin, "I know now that letting you go was the biggest mistake I have ever made."

A part of me wanted him to kiss me right there and then but a part of me was happy the sales lady came back to fix my dress. She stopped me from making the same mistake twice.

Hurting Riley.


Okay so I know how this is going to end but I'm not sure how many more chapters this has left.

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