Chapter Nineteen

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I walked over to my closet and quickly pulled down all my clothes off the rack throwing them into my suitcase.

"You can't just leave again!" Farkle yells.

I walk back over and grab stuff out of my dresser as well, "Watch me."

"No!" Farkle yelled.

"You can't tell me how to live my life."

Farkle picked up my suitcase and threw the clothes onto the ground, "You can't keep running away from your problems."

"Really because I was gone for six years and nobody never cared about my problems then."

"I called you once month during those six years. Lucas called you everyday for two years and then almost every other for four years. Riley called you at least three or four times a month so obviously we did care!" Farkle yelled.

I threw my hands up in frustration and picked up the clothes off the ground, "I should have never come back in the first place."

"You should have never left in the first place," Farkle said continuing to dump the clothes back onto the ground.

"I've been back for two weeks and I've already managed to mess up everything," I mumble, "It's like Prom all over again."

Farkle shakes his head and leans back against my bed, "What happened at Prom? One minute the four of us were laughing and dancing the night away but the next minute your crying and jumping into a taxi."

"Farkle please don't make me tell you," I begged.

"Maya I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened," Farkle sighed.

"But if I tell you I'm afraid you might end up hating me."

Farkle wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear, "I could never hate you."

So I told him. I told him every single detail about what happened between Lucas and I six years ago. Thankfully after I was done he didn't look at me any different and just told me everyone makes mistakes.

After Farkle helped me put all my clothes away he said, "If you don't run away then I won't tell Riley what happened between you and Lucas."

Farkle stuck out his pinkie, "Okay."

"Promise?" Farkle gestured towards his pinkie.

I wrapped his pinkie around mine, "I promise."


Yahhh Maya isn't leaving. Booooo we still don't know what happened at Prom. lol I do but tbh it's not even that bad. I had another idea but I think I'll use that in an upcoming story.

No need to fear in the next chapter you'll find out what happened at Prom.

And Yes I'll update again today.

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