Chapter Twenty-Three

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Riley invited me over to help her make some last minute wedding decorations and because I wasn't busy I decided I would help her. She texted me telling to meet her over at her apartment but she wouldn't be there for a couple extra minutes.

I knocked once before grabbing the key under the welcome mat where Riley and told me it was and unlocked the door.

"Hello?" Lucas appeared from a room.

Lucas stopped walking when he saw me standing there in front of him, "Hi."

"Hey. Riley isn't here right now," Lucas said walking towards their fridge.

"I know. I'm meeting her here later but I can wait somewhere else if you want me to."

"It's fine I don't mind if you stay here until she comes back."


Lucas sat down at the table and I did the same. We both said nothing for a few moments but I decided to break the silence.

"So um are you excited for the wedding? It's only a few days away and-"

"Can..can we not talk about the wedding?"

I'll be the first to say I'm not happy that the guy I love is getting married but he didn't seem to happy about it either.

"Sorry," Lucas mumbled, "I'm not really in the mood to talk about my wedding."

"Okay we don't have to talk," I replied.

"Hey I never said we didn't have to talk I just said I didn't want to talk about the wedding," Lucas smiled.

And so we did.

The two of us talked about everything and nothing. He talked about how we snuck out and went to parties without telling our parents or the time we went on vacation together.

The best part was when Riley got home we didn't stop talking. It felt good to have the three of us together talking about old memories again.

When the three of us finished the decorations Lucas walked me over to the door.

"It was good seeing you again," Lucas continued, "We should do this again but with Farkle."

"Yeah it would be fun to see everyone together. It's been so long," I agreed.

"Are you free tomorrow? The wedding rehearsal is the next day so I figured it would be best to do it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow....tomorrow sounds good," I nodded.


"I should probably go it's getting late."

"Alright night," Lucas said giving me a kiss on the check.

I hated to say it but I loved how his lips felt against my skin.


Sooo I think there will be around 4-5 more chapters. There might be more and there could also be less so don't hold me to anything.

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