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It's funny how this group literally came out a few weeks ago and people are already making fanfictions.

Despite the fanfictions that are made there's still an extreme lack of content. I wish to add to that lack of content with this story.

Let me tell you something, when I first got into K-Pop I thought I would never have an instance where I daydreamed about a certain idol. Boy was I wrong!

I've gone through idol after idol after idol in which I daydream about them everyday. Last month it was Beomgyu from TXT, last year it was Jaemin and Jisung from NCT, and the year before that it was the Golden Maknae, Jungkook himself.

Ever since I've discovered MCND I've been very fascinated with Win. Not only because he's an amazing rapper and dancer but because his birthday is actually 3 days after mine.

That's crazy, I said to myself when I read that his birthday was December 19th on K-Pop Profiles.

While I was listening to their debut song, "Ice Age" a story came to my mind about somebody like me meeting Win on the street. Except the difference between this girl and me will be that she actually shares the EXACT same birthday as Win. Cool right?! No? Okay!

I've never been to a K-Pop fansign, let alone a concert and I've always dreamed about meeting a K-Pop star. It's like a personal goal of mine now LMAO.

The main character Yoona was originally going to be called Yeri, after Red Velvet's Yeri, because I really just like that name and the group. After looking at the name Yeri typed on my computer for a long time, I realized that Yeri sounded like an older sister name not a name for the girl that I thought of for the main character. That's just my opinion don't judge.

Yoona was inspired by Yeri because at the time I thought it would be cool to have two characters with names that began with the same letter, and also because Yoona rhymes with Luna and I like the name Luna a lot.

The name Luna might show up in another fanfiction. That is not a leak!

So now that we have that wrapped up I would just like to mention that updates will be slow because I am starting another book as well. All About Us (A TXT Love Story) go check it out :))))))))).

Also you know school gets in the way of everything I want to do in my life right now, so yeah. Nevertheless, I will try to update weekly and update whenever I am able to do. Okay is everyone ready to enter the ICE AGE, sorry bad pun also the ice age doesn't have anything to do with this story.

Disclaimer: This story might get pretty angsty in some parts, so don't say I didn't warn you. If you don't like that kind of stuff DO NOT read the story.

- K-Poplover2000

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