Chapter Five: The Min-Min Chapter

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Okay, so this is a chapter dedicated to Min-Min (Sungmin (BIC) and Minjae ship). As mentioned in the beginning of the story Minjae and BIC had some sort of argument in the past that affected their relationship. This chapter will cover the history of Min-Min's relationship as well as what happened to Win the summer before their debut.

I would just like to warn Gems that none of the events in this story are based off of facts. I know that Minjae and BIC probably didn't know each other in middle school, and they probably didn't audition for Top Media together. My timeline may be messed up too, so please don't freak out if you notice anything off time wise.

Also, this chapter may be a bit confusing since I alternate between first person and third person a lot. If you're having trouble reading it then leave a comment and I'll see if I can fix the chapter to make it easier for you.

I really hope you guys like this chapter, make sure to stan MCND and keep loving K-Pop.

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Chapter 5: The Min-Min Chapter

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Chapter 5: The Min-Min Chapter

Minjae's POV

If I had to pick one person to be my best friend it would have to be BIC. I remember the day I met him. It was raining, I was cold. My mother sent me to school without an umbrella. We didn't have enough money to afford one.


"But mom, I'll freeze out there," 13 year old Minjae complained.

"Minjae sweetie we don't have another umbrella and I need to take your little brother to school too."

Minjae frowned, "so? Can't you just take the bus?"

"You know we can't afford to do that Minjae."

"But mom..."


Minjae sighed, "okay mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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