Chapter Three Part One: The Pink-Purple Octopus Lady

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Chapter 3 Part 1: The Pink-Purple Octopus Lady

Junhyuk's POV

Win looked at his clock, it read 9:40. Plenty of time to have a long chat with Yoona. Unless, well unless she was busy. Win stuffed that thought back into his mind, he was too giddy about her.

He quickly pressed her number and waited for Yoona to pick up. After a few seconds she did.

"Hello?" Win smiled as he heard her heavenly voice through his phone.

"Hey it's Win, what are you up to?"

"Uhhhhh nothing much I mean except cleaning up my room."

"Aw that's always no fun."

"Tell me about it."

"Was your day okay? I mean it obviously wasn't that fun without me in it."

"Win, I've lived pretty much my entire life up until now without you in it."

"Good point. Would you like to hang out tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid I can't, I have work."

"Work? What's your job."

"I clean tanks for octopuses."

"Whoaaaaaaa that's so awesome!"

"Thanks but honestly it's not that big of a deal."

"So is it for an aquarium."

"You could say that but it's more for an old, drunk lady who smokes too much."

"Wait, what?"

"You wouldn't understand."

I could hear Yoona laughing on the other end. Her laugh was always so beautiful.

"Why don't I help you?"

"No you don't need to, I'm fine on my own."

"Really? Because a little help never hurt anyone plus come on don't you like me enough to hang out with me more?"

"I don't know Win I don't think you'd like the job, it's kind of weird."

"Aw come on it'll be fun please I would really like to help you."


Yoona's POV

I don't even know why I agreed to Win helping me. I mean he probably had better things to do. He's an idol.

I wish he hadn't taken such a liking to me. My life is so messed up in so many ways that I shouldn't dare try to include Win in it.

He's so adorable and well to be honest extremely innocent. It's as if he doesn't understand danger or what it's like to live without knowing whether you'll have a roof over your head or not.

Sure idol life is hard and I'm not going to try to understand it but I don't want to feel like a charity case to Win.

I remember before I met Win I always wanted to meet MCND but now I feel different. Now I understand why it's best to have not to.

Our worlds are so different and even if we could develop some kind of relationship a lot of people wouldn't like it.

Win didn't seem concerned but I was and I wasn't going to let Win get close to me because of it. He doesn't deserve to be friends with such a loser.

The next day when I set off to work at Patty's place. I remember the day I first started working for her she never gave me her surname. Just told me to call her Patty and that's that.

Winter Dreams (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora