Chapter 3

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in along time and I'm really am sorry. I have been going through a lot in my life with many family problems and death. I'm back though. I'm going to try and update once a week at least. Please be patient and I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 3

School day has ended and I just texted Eric saying I was going to hang out with some friends. In reality I'm going to Harry house to work on the project we were both assign. If Eric were to find out I'm going to a boy house he will kill me. He is way to over protective over me. He response back with a ok and be safe. I just smile at the text and put my phone away. I wait for Harry another 5 minutes and spot him walking to my direction. I observe him walking with his long legs. He looked attractive wearing a plain white shirt with black skinny jeans showing off his legs and black converse. He was attractive. I saw a girl walk up to him and whisper something in his ear. He just smirked and kept walking the girl leaving soon. That disgusted me only.

"Ready to go" he says once he next to me. I just nod and follow him to his to his ranger rover. He opens the passenger seat and I just say a quick thanks while I get in. He closes the door walks to the driver seat. He starts driving. The ride to his house was quiet a awkward quiet. When we arrive his house is big almost the size to are house. I try to open the door but it's locked. I just watch him get out of the car and open the door. I thank him again he just gives me a quick nod. I follow him up to his house and to his living room. The house is quite elegant in the inside.

"Ok so let's start with this shitty project" he says

I just nod and he starts to talk

"Ok I'll start an then you go ok" he says

"Alright" is all that I say

"What's your favorite color"

"Red,what about you"


"How old are you"

"18 and you"


I checked the time and saw it was almost 6.

"Shit" I mummer. I was suppose to go home at 5 because Eric is so damn protective he doesn't want to see me out alone at this time. I gathered all my stuff and put it away. I looked up and Harry was staring at me confuse.

"Sorry I have to go my brother is waiting for me"
I left before he respond his house was just about 2 blocks away from mine it wasn't that much. I literally ran home and when I got there Eric was already waiting for me outside.

"Didn't I tell you can't be out this late" he said angry

"Eric it's not even that late and I'm not a little child anymore" I said back

"I know but I'm worried something could happen to you. any Perv could come and do something to you I don't want to lose you. you are the only person I have left.

I looked at him and just nodded he gave me a quick hug and we went to the living room.

"So what do you say are we going to the party this Friday" I asked

"Yea I think it should be fun I guess" he said

The whole afternoon we spent it watching reruns of friends and eating junk food. It was already late already and my eyes were getting heavier. I felt an arm wrap around me carrying me bridal style to my room. I was to tired to open my eyes. I felt the softness of the bed and the covers being place on my body.

"Goodnight Val love you" I herd Eric say with a kiss on the forehead. That was the last thing I felt before going into a deep sleep.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know this is a late late update but I'm really sorry. I'm going through a lot right now and haven't had enough time to

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