twenty - one

44 5 2

"So, he was  your ex-boyfriend?" 

Bomin pretended as if he didn't know this from before as he was eating in the hotel's restaurant with Lia as she was barely swallowing her food. She lost her appetite as she saw Hyunsuk basically ignoring her and dragging a different girl. Bomin held the wine glass to his lips as the evident smirk was not erased from his face. He knew that he needed to add a different pawn into the game, and he had no choice but to sign Lia to his hotel's endorsement brand. 

He swirled the wine effortlessly within the glass as she nibbled on her steak quietly. "They might not be in the relationship that you think they have currently." 

Lia raised her head quietly as she blinked with confusion. "What do you mean by that?" 

"I can't reveal much since we aren't too sure, but no need to feel sad." 

Lia was confused to what was being spoken but Bomin gave no other details about Hyunsuk's relationship with Mina since they needed to talk about the details about her endorsement. Oh what fun Bomin when he was discussing about what was happening; he really enjoyed the one creating the entire mess. 

Mina quietly stared at Hyunsuk as he was driving quietly without much to say. He was rotating in circles around the building for the fifth time now Mina finally decided to break this, "You know we're going around in circles."


"We haven't left the hotel's premises." 

"Ah right..sorry..where did you want go to eat?" 

"Let's go to where you want to since you claimed that you wanted to buy me food." 

"Ah...yeah, but I know that you wouldn't like the places that I usually go to." 

Mina rolled her eyes as Hyunsuk was kind of disappointing her before an idea popped into her head. "Take me to your school." 


"Yeah, I never been on a school campus in Korea you know. I studied abroad so I guess I didn't get to see it." 

She turned her attention towards the view of the sidewalks and the streets outside. She laughed to herself as she bit her lips quietly as Hyunsuk was unsure whether he should take her to her school. Hyunsuk gave it some thought as he then turned the direction towards the school before he drove quietly down the street. "Fine, that sounds good." 

He arrived onto campus ground soon after as many students started to stare at the expensive car as Mina got out with Hyunsuk. She accompanied him along the way since Hyunsuk also decided to meet some of his professors as he suddenly switched to online classes due to two special people he had in his life. He laughed quietly in response as he didn't even imagine bringing Mina onto campus like this.

His professors were very aware of Mina's presence since they only heard about her through her managers. They both respected towards the professors before they left the classrooms and the offices. Everyone stared quietly as they walked by in the hallways. In retrospect, Mina looked pretty young for her age so there were a few people who thought she was a junior or senior within the school. Her outfit was less intimating today as well since she was wearing a simple white button-shirt and dark blue slacks and a cardigan. Her hair was styled gently with slight locks as her side bangs are pinned back. 

Hyunsuk was wearing a plain outfit as well since he didn't know that he would be moving outside the hotel. He was wearing a striped black and white long sleeve t-shirt with some ripped light jeans. From afar, they looked like the best couple on campus as all the students stared quietly in awe. Mina was quite used to the attention, but Hyunsuk felt super embarrassed as he really was not comfortable. 

She linked her arm through his arm as they walked together towards the cafeteria. Looking around nervously, Hyunsuk didn't really mind much anymore since Mina was the only one. Hyunsuk glanced at her before he whispered with a tease, "Making too much of a statement on campus, aren't you?" 

Mina flipped her hair arrogantly in response as she shrugged as Hyunsuk opened the door of the cafeteria for her. He grabbed a tray for the both of them, as he then paid for their meal. Mina widened her eyes as a whole set of array of Korean food was cooked and placed in large trays. It was different from what her family's chef would put out. It was a less expensive version but the visuals of the food still looked amazing. 

Hyunsuk found a quiet spot in the corner of the cafeteria as he knew that the attention would still follow the pair. He sat in front of Mina so that his back would be facing the other. He averted from the attention, as Mina munched quietly as she was eating much more than he was. He was quite taken aback since he thought she wouldn't really enjoy the food as she claimed that she has an "expensive" mouth. But, Mina's excuse was that she didn't eat breakfast at all. He found it quite adorable of how her cheeks are full of food as she was not even caring about her own surroundings. 

He grabbed a napkin and reached his hand over to grab her attention. As Mina looked up, he gently wiped the sauce from the sides of her mouth as he chuckled, "You seem super hungry....should slow down." 

She blinked as she stopped chewing temporarily as she felt his fingers against her lip as he then retracted his hand and then continued to eat his own food. He didn't really focus on her anymore since he was also minding his own business, but Mina felt her heart thumping painfully against her chest once again. This new type of pain that she only can experience whenever Hyunsuk was standing close to her or was touching her. It was only felt whenever she was around this being who doesn't seem to know about that at all. 

Her cheeks were warming up and she quietly stood up and walked away from the table as Hyunsuk confusingly looked up to watch her leave to the bathroom that was across the cafeteria. She was munching quickly before she arrived, and she locked herself inside a stall to calm her breathing. She placed her hand over her chest as she tried to calm herself down. She then walked over to the mirror as she glanced at her own appearance. Her cheeks were fiery red as if she had blush all over it. Her ears were also dark red, and she can feel the heat radiating off of them. 

What was this? 

Does she have an allergic reaction to Hyunsuk? 

What was this feeling?


Sorry for the barely good content for updates! I will be taking a few days break from writing this story since I will be busily preparing for online classes and online exams since it was spring break for me this week. I hope everyone is safe during the spread of coronavirus and make sure to stay inside so that you don't get sick as well as you don't get other people sick. also, please don't participate in racist actions like bullying asian people as they are going through the same problems that we are right now. learn from your mistakes and move on if you did; we need to work together in order to help us win this virus and issue.

check out my new story as i pre-wrote the entire book so you guys can read that while waiting for this story to be fully updated. thank you so much, and stay safe.

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