A new life

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??????'s POV

I woke up in a strange tube like prison very uncomfortable. Outside stood four teenagers. I knew three but not the fourth. They were Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash. The cage opened and I stumbled out glad for the fresh air. We started to run and all of the sudden I heard "Hey, there." In my head. "Hi." I said back. "Who are you?" I asked. "Well I'm you. But not." She answered "Wait what?" "Well you're my clone." "OK. What's your name?" "I'm drakon. Or was." "What do you mean was?" "Well I'm dead." "Then how are you talking to me?" " Ok long story short. I was captured by Cadmus which is where we are now and they stole my DNA to make you. They couldn't help but gloat and showed you to me. Then they killed me I bonded to you and so here we are." "OK. So why'd they clone you." " cause I'm a superhero. " "cool we got any powers." "Yeah." Our conversation was cut off by the boys saying "hey you coming." I looked up and they were in a vent I nodded and climbed up. We crawled through and when we exited these weird creatures and this dude stood in front of us. The people talked and so I talked to Drakon "So what powers we got." "Well we can change into a dragon, bond or mind link with people, fly, and we have control of fire, and a gold magic called the magic of order. Doctor Fate uses it and it was created to oppose chaos. We're what is known as a knight of order." "Cool." Then reality sucked me back in now there was a weird monster attacking the boys. I flew into action. Then Rob had a great idea. We put it into action. Soon Cadmus had collapsed and we we're crawling out of rubble. I stared up at the moon. This was my first time. Suddenly something came flying out of it. Drakon responded "My master is here. If she asks you're my sister. We do in fact have one." "Who is it, your master?" I asked. "Wonder woman." The entire justice league landed and people talked. Then Wonder woman noticed me. "Drakon?" She asked "No ma'am. I'm her sister." Her face dropped solemnly. Talking continued and I zoned out. That is until we arrived at a secret mountain base. Mount Justice as they called it. We formed a team and I learned who the fourth guy is Superboy clone of Superman. We also met someone new. She's Martian Man Hunter's nice Miss Martian. This is exciting. Then they turned to me "hey what's your name?" "Dragon," I replied without hesitation. I could feel drakon smiling.

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