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??????'s POV

I sat on the roof of an apartment complex in keystone city. It was my roof I lived on this roof. I looked out across the city and listened. Suddenly I heard it. Someone screaming. I ran across the rooftops melting into the shadows and jumped down into the alley. I was a few feet from the scene. A man was attacking a woman and her child. She was protecting her child like he was the most important thing in the world. I slid into action. I round house kicked the perp in the face and then grabbed his shoulders flipped over him and brought him down. He was unconscious. I walked over to the lady and said "OK, I want you to call the cops and wait for them OK and if they ask who saved you say you didn't get a good look at their face. Have a nice night." Then I melted into the shadows and scaled the wall by flipping from fire escape to fire escape until I was on the roof. I ran back to my roof and it started to rain. What I wouldn't give for a house or a family who loves me. I had a horrible and disfunctional family. They never cared. She left me. He beat me. No one cared. I stood under my shelter in other words a tarp propped up by my bo staff. Then the screaming started. I ran across the roofs to where an entire family was huddled in a corner surrounded by goons of the league of shadows. I jumped down on top of one and they crumpled then I swung my body staff and hit two in the jaw. Using my body staff I hit one in the stomach swept out another's legs. I kicked and punched. Twirled, dodged, slid, and flipped. They all got up and started to overwhelm me. I won't let this family get hurt. I kept fighting. I felt a snarl filling my throat. No I shoved it down. I would not lose control to that monster. I felt a growl now. No. She will not take over. Then a howl escaped my lips and I shifted. She was in control as I felt my mind slip. I watched as she tore the goons apart. When I regained control I just ran. I'm not talking to that family they're probably scared. I ran back to my roof and propped my tarp back up. I slid under it and wrapped myself in my cloak. I cried myself to sleep. I swore to myself never to use that power again never. The next morning I awoke to the noise of people talking. "Where do you think we'll find her? In an apartment?" "No I have no idea, but it's the best place to start." I crawled out pulled out my staff and looked out over the edge. Down on the street were two guys an adult and a teen both had red hair. They continued to talk and I snuck down and around to the front. I melted into the shadows and waited. They had just entered. When they finally exited they continued talking about finding someone and that it was important. I spoke "Well, I can probably help you." They turned and I stepped out of the shadows "I know everything going on here. Who you looking for?" They shared a look and the older said "A girl, she rescued a family the other day." They're looking for me. Why? "I can show you where she lives. Follow me." Without waiting I climbed up to the roof and propped up the tarp. They came out the roof access door shortly after. "This is where she lives," I said and they nodded. "What do you know about her?" Asked the older one. "Well she came here from a dysfunctional family and became a hero of sorts. She was abused to the point she adapted to it to compensate. She gained and inner demon or more accurately wolf. She doesn't like to give it control though." I answered. They nodded. "I also know her. I know her very well." I added. "You do, so then do you know when she's going to get back." They asked. I nodded "Yeah, she's here now." I answered they were shocked. "Oh, well. I'm Barry and this is Wally. I'm the Flash he's Kid Flash and we want you to join a team for covert ops." Said the older one. "Why, would you want me. I'm a monster." Was my only response. "No you're not you saved that family.-" "Yeah by ripping people to shreds." I interrupted. "They were probably terrified." "Well you can still help without that power." "I'll join but no one else will know my back story." "What do we call you?" He asked. "Scarlett Wolf." I answered. He nodded and I was taken to a mountain. I would finally have a real bed.

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