Chapter 1

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POV y/n
Beep beep beep! First day of school, new beginnings. I get dressed in a black leather jacket that's a crop top, and a leather black skirt. I'm kinda exited but I can't get too carried away, I don't belong in class 3-E I'm only their because I'm a detective and they think I'm worthy enough to kill the monster.
I grab my backpack and I'm on my way to school. School is pretty far but as long as I leave early I can make it. I run onto the bus perfect timing.
I jump out the bus as the door opens, not sure that was the best idea because I almost blew my cover with everyone yelling, "omg did she just jump out is she like a psycho!" It's surprisingly not the first time I've been called that. I just give them the, shut up eye and walk into school.
As I walk in everyone stares, one boy even has the audacity to say, "hey cutie," if this was another day I would of kicked the living soul out of him. I rolled my eyes and went down stares to E class. Before I walked in a dark voice said, "you must be the detective." Like who is this man.
" yes sir," I replied with no emotion, just another day with someone calling me in to investigate how to kill someone.
" nice to meet you then, I'm Karasuma. You class is in their." He replied
I didn't feel like the need to reply so I just went in and sat where ever I could. I didn't know where to sit so I just sat in the back. I realized I was really early so I started to put my headphones on and listen to music.
A little after, this guy tapped my shoulder. I turned and a guy with red hair was their with an unpleasant smile. I took my headphones and he smirked and said, "looks like the cutie wants to sit in my chair." He meat my hair up and said aww. I got up and kicked him in the (you know) and I said quietly,
"Next time put your name tag their." He looked angry, and by the time everyone was staring. Ugh why does everyone have to be so bossy, the bell hasn't even rang. The red head got up and was about to charge but I got my watch and pressed to beam button and a beam of light came out, hit him and he's out. Luckily, the thing only works for 1 minute.
I walked somewhere else and found the yellow octopus looking at me in shock, he said in a high pitch voice, "yehehehe, looks like a tough one uh... sit here." I nodded and sat.
The bell rung and everyone stoped freezing and just walked in all eyes on me. How could I mess up so bad, I'm pretty sure I was suppose to kill the yellow thing not the red head. Everyone in the classroom had many diffrent colors of hair like red, light pink, dark green and even a light blue hair. I thought everyone would hate me because of the red head incident, and also because of my looks, today all I wore was just a light blue shirt with long sleeve and cigs of ruffles at the end and a jean skirt. Instead, the guy with blue hair walked up to me and said I was pretty cool and it took nerve to stand up to karma like that.
Now guessing I guess the red heads name is karma. "So uh nice to meet you.... classmate. My names Nagisa." He smiled so innocently which made me smile probably for the first time.
  "Thanks, my names y/n,," before we could talk some more the octo- yellow thing started getting everyone's attention.
"Hello fellow students, their is a new girl here, and uh.......," he paused. I didn't want him to feel bad so I stood up and went to the front," hello nice to meet you I'm y/n." I was still pretty shy and wasn't used to them so I was pretty shocked I actually went up their, site I'm a spy/ detective but we all have are problems.
  I sat down and everyone clapped and one boy said, "the cuties cute," like he called me a cutie wouldn't I be cute if I were called that, whatever.
• • •
  After all the working and the stupid octopus they call korosensei bothering me and being to annoying I could of killed him but I didn't, my plan was to look like I was a horrible killer like I couldn't even hold a knife, hopefully he'll forget I knocked out karma, which I acted like I did it by accident ( which he believed.) now it's gym, I put my uniform on and I left to go outside.
   When I got their I must of been late because everyone was looking at me and I felt embarrassed.
" so class today were playing cops and robbers if you get tagged then you will go to jail where korosensei will be watching you,"  karasuma lightly pushed korosensei letting him know not to goof off. " and I'll chase you,"
Great Karasuma was one of the most best assassins their is. The reason he hasn't killed korosensei is because korosensei is as quick as lightning.
" I'll give you 30 seconds to hide, ready go,"
I ran so quickly, to be honest I was probably one of the fastest besides nagusa the blue hair. Me and him ran all the way up the hill and sat for a second.
" wow your pretty quick. No agency but your quick for someone who can't hold a knife," he said panting a bit but. " I can run, kill, just fine but I'm mostly good at tricks, I'm not as bad as you think I am, I'm just pretending," I stopped for a second thinking I sounded offended." Oh uh sorry I might have sounded a little..."
" oh no I understand, you know your pretty clever, I mean you tricked everyone that you were a bad assassin but you know you might just be the one to kill him."
I felt great full to have such nice classmates.
" 3 people in jail," I could here karasuma yelling.
" he's close we have to sun quietly," I whispered to nagusa. We both ran and hide at points when we heated foot steps. Finally everyone was in jail except me and nagisa. "Wait it's cold and robbers we can let them out," I ran over to the jail and Nagisa followed. We climbed a tree and watched and signed some of the classmates that we would do a jail break.
  Nagisa and I made a plan that I would take the right and he takes the left. " on the count of three we go ok? 1... 2... 3!" We both rAn and let everyone out. Korosensei didn't even notice, and I realized one of my classmates must of destructed him by giving him a magazine. I do t even want to know what about.
  We all ran and soon enough it was time with all the robbers loose. Karasuma gave korosensei a lecture about how he let us all out because of a stupid magazine, korosensei was as red as a tomato. Today was awesome....

Authors note
  If you were confused this chapter is about a girl who is a detective and she has to kill the teacher who is a WIERD Alain yellow octopus human. She meets Nagisa a blue head who is nice. Karma the red head who is a psycho and is annoying. And the octopus Alina is called korosensei. Don't forget the best assassin of all time karasuma, who is the assassin and gym teacher.

Nagusa x reader assassination classroomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя