Chapter 2

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Your POV
I woke up so happy. I can't wait for another assassinations day. Hopefully it will be better than yesterday, yesterday was fine but it seemed no one except Nagisa had anything to do with me. Worst of all they think I'm a horrible assassin, in their eyes I'm nothing other then a noob. I'm not even a ..... classmate am i ?
That thought made my day a bit cloudier but I shook it of and went. The reason I was happy was because I'm going to have a friend at school. Her name is Ava she is going to come to my school today. If I were to describe her she would be a girl who can be bad like Karma ( can't believe I'm saying that, I hate karma!) But she is really nice, funny and most of all weird.
I got to school and didn't jump off the buss, I learned my lesson. I waited at the entrance for Ava, soon enough she came right before we were late. "Dude, can you be even more late!" I said angry but joking.
" oh right class starts at 9:30, anyone know what time it is right now?" Suddenly the bell rang. "I'm guessing 9:30," she said smiling " no dip Sherlock," I said laughing.
We ran to our class, and saw many people shouting at us. When we finally got to class everyone just stared like how rude.
"If this is how you greet people, then you really need to stop." Ava said very cool. Sometimes I feel like she is way cooler then me, for example today she is wearing a black shirt leather jacket with a jean skirt. Me on the other hand wearing a huge hoodie that's light blue with jeans.
" oh so you think your cooler then us, don't you," red head said interrupting my thoughts.
" If I tried to say that I would go straight to the point," now Ava and karma were doing a staring contest looking thing, I mean I had to stop them before one of them got a good hit.
" if you two are done acting like babies then class already started," I grabbed at Ava's hand and sat down.
Soon after lots of work, it was lunch. For lunch me and Ava had the same lunch because she is my new exchange student from spain she was suppose to come tomorrow but it was either today or never that's why she arrived on a different buss. Our lunch was bento with a fruit cup a Japanese drink called ramune, and best of chocolate bread.

  Me and Ava sit down outside and I saw a new gym teacher he was really big guy, he had black hair and

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  Me and Ava sit down outside and I saw a new gym teacher he was really big guy, he had black hair and.... wait that's my old gym teacher I took down because he was abusive to his students. I remember I was once just a kid he was my first take down. I was on the street and I loved looking at the school I would watch the kids play, one day I saw the gym teacher choke a kid, I thought it was normal but I searched if it was( I was only 3 and I had the smarts of a 10 year old) later that night I saw he was a dangerous person and he had killed 13 kids and stuffed them it took hard work to know exactly his story, but soon I figured it out and beat him. I've never seen him since, if he saw me he would...
"Girl , are you going to eat or..." Ava said pointing at my bento. " oh uh, no I'm not you can have it." "Thanks"
I was nervous to go to gym but I looked strong or at least acted cool. When we got their the gym teacher didn't seem to notice, instead he just pulled out a big bag of sweets. Everyone was off guard which they probably don't think they need to be. Korosensei wasn't hear because with how fast he is he travels to Paris for free macaroons. I didn't trust eating which brought me lots of attention. Ava was enjoining eating though.
"Are you not going to eat, it's kinda  rude not to accept, I saved a perfect mochi ice cream just for you." His eyes stared into my sole I knew better than to trust that freak.
"I prefer not to eat from stranger, thank you very much." I look towards Ava and she put the jelly donut she was about to eat and said "ya eew I wasn't going to eat that it's just...." she took another bite and then put it back down, " umm.. that was just a taste test, because I don't want to eat poisons food." Everyone looked at her knowing she was liking but looked straight back at me, I wish they knew who this was I was part angry and part proud of how I stood up to him.
I looked towards the school and took off, I didn't want to stay their one more second with that guy. I ran as fast as I could. I ran up to the balcony, Ava ran after me and asked what was wrong. I told her the whole story and she was a great friend about it. Soon I heard a girl scream, luckily we were on the roof so we could see everything, then I saw the new gym teacher kicking a student saying in the loudest voice ever, " don't disrespect daddy!!!!" Not only is that weird but kinda scary.
I was paralyzed I didn't know what was happening, I've never been this scared. What's happening I have to save them. My heart was racing now. I have to do something. I slowly started to walk step by step then I came back to reality I ran to a grappling hook that I found out of no where ( no questions please) then I nodded at Ava and she knew what to do. I shot the grappling hook at another short building and on the way down I hit the gym teacher   He looked really mad. Soon he yelled and got a gun out. I looked back and all I remember was the shooting pain in my leg, each heart beat was another huge bullet of pain, I let go of my grappling hook and fell for what felt like hours still not touching the bottom when will I reach the bottom. Then I realized my grappling hook hooked to the building and the building way pretty high. Everything went black. Is this how I die.....

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