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the mandate was just put out around lunch time today. no one in seoul is allowed to leave their house for any reason. it's the government's last resort to stop the spread of covid-19 in such a densely populated city.

my phone is almost instantly buzzing with a message.


i can hear tae's little voice in my head as i read the message

ⓨⓔⓢ ⓑⓐⓑⓨ ⓑⓞⓨ?


ⓞⓕ ⓒⓞⓤⓡⓢⓔ

the reality of this crisis hasn't even really set in yet. i feel numb.

my phone rings and i answer taehyung's call immediately.

"da tv sayd can't leave da house." he says quietly.

"i know, i just heard."

"dat means....stuck inside? forever? with no daddy?"

i can hear his voice becoming tinted with panic.

"not...not...forever...." i start, beginning to cry. "just.... "

the little gasps. "daddy cryin?"

i quickly wipe my face with my sleeve, even though he can't see me. "no, i'm not crying. listen, daddy has some stuff to do. how about we skype before bedtime tonight?"

" b-but.....was supposed go to da park... "

"we can't tonight, baby, i'm very sorry. we will some other time."


i cringe, then choose to pretend not to hear. "i love you very much, little tae tae. you can watch cartoons or play with toys for a bit until we skype. be a good boy, alright?"

he sniffles and my heart breaks.

"okie daddy....love chu....bye bye."

the call is ended and i hang my head.

what on earth am i going to do? we're stuck in our own apartments, away from each other, for an indeterminate amount of time. it could be weeks. it could be MONTHS. i was supposed to take him to see the new trolls movie when it came out. how can i go back on that promise?

and he's too little to take care of himself for so long. he can't really cook, or clean, or any of that. that's why i practically live over there.

if only i LITERALLY lived over there.

my stomach turns over with anxiety. i don't like not knowing what's going to happen. i hate all of this. 

quarantine (short story)Where stories live. Discover now