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despite everything, a smile comes to my face when i hear the familiar, bright ringing sound it makes when you video call someone. my earbuds are barely in before tae tae's face pops up on my screen, red and tear streaked. he's clutching his mang stuffie.

"baby boy, what's wrong? why are you crying?" i ask, concerned.

" w-w-want d-daddy.... " he whimpers, burying his face in the light blue stuffie.

"i'm here, babydoll, i'm here. right here. see?" i grin gently at him, even as my heart aches.

" n-nuuu, want.....here. want cuddles. 'n milk in my sippy. 'n bedtime stowy. " the little's lower lip trembles and he wipes some tears away with the back of his hand.

"look at daddy." i instruct softly , and his big brown eyes raise to meet mine.

"go get your sippy and put some milk in it. you're a good boy, you can do it yourself this time. be careful not to spill. when you come back i'm gonna read you a bedtime story, alright?"

he sniffles and nods. "b-but....cuddles?"

"as soon as i can, i'll be over there to cuddle you. and i'll never let you go. but i can't come right now. you understand, right?"

i watch in despair as his eyes fill again. "yes daddy...."

taehyung stands up, still clutching the stuffie close to his chest, and leaves to go get his milk.

i wipe at my eyes quickly, trying to prevent tears from falling. the last thing he needs is to see me cry. 

quarantine (short story)Where stories live. Discover now