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[Hinata's POV]

As I ran to go find Sugawara, all the fears I never knew I had started consuming me.

Kageyama knows. He knows you like him. He knows you want to be more than friends. Soon, he's going to confront you. Then all your little fantasies are going to be shattered.

"Suga!! There you are!" I panted loudly, catching my breath so I would have enough air to tell Suga everything that had been going on inside my head

"Hey Hinata. What do you need? Are you alright?" He asked concerned. I made sure no one was around to listen, then poured my heart out, desperate for guidance.

"Suga, I... I like Kageyama. M-more than a friend should. And recently he's been acting so
anxious. A-and he's just always thinking about... About something I guess. And now I'm scared that he found out about my feelings. And that's why he won't talk to me! It's just so terrifying Suga. I don't want to lose him. I can't-" I felt myself quietly start to sob as Sugawara held me to his chest, softly telling me everything was going to be alright.

"Well firstly, if Kageyama did so just happen to find out, wouldn't he have confronted you already? I mean knowing him, he would've probably told you something about the matter at this point." I took this into consideration as my tears gradually stopped. Suga held my hands in a motherly way and spoke softly.

"How about this. I'll subtly ask Kageyama why he has been so anxiety driven lately. I won't even mention you; I pinky swear." I smiled softly as I felt happy tears trail down my cheeks.

"Thank you Suga. You're so great. J-just so great" He gave me a wholesome grin, and patted me on the back.

"Practice starts in about ten minutes, so you better go get dressed, okay?" I nodded quickly and ran to the locker rooms.

I really am grateful for Suga. I just hope all goes well. I meant it when I said I couldn't lose Kageyama. That would be horrible.

[Kageyama's POV]

The school day went by faster than I anticipated which meant it was now time for practice. And practice meant, well... Hinata.

Just thinking about having to talk to the small boy was scary. I was scared that if I got too flustered during practice, I'd slow everyone else down. And they did not deserve that.

I quickly got dressed and headed straight to the gymnasium, knowing I'd have to face the inevitable. But, just before I could open the gym doors, I felt someone softly tap my shoulder. As I turned around I could see that someone was Sugawara.

"Hey Kageyama! Sorry to bother, I just wanted to check in; see if you're doing okay. I mean, you've been acting so nervous. I'm just worried about you." After speaking he gave me a caring smile. I hesitated for a few moments before giving in and spilling my thoughts to the sympathetic co-captain.

"Look, if I'm being honest.. I've been such a mess because... I recently realized I like Hinata. And not in the friendly way. I mean in the stupid lovely, gushy way. But I've never had a crush on anyone! Let alone another boy. All these new emotions are entering my life and I have no idea how to approach them. What if he hates me after I confess? What if no one accepts me or my new found sexuality? It's horrifying Suga. Genuinely. Horrifying." Suga took it all in, holding eye contact and understanding my words. He inhaled deeply before coming up with something to say to ease my worries.

"Well, that's is definitely... not what I was expecting. Listen, I understand why you would be so anxious. Finding out about your sexuality can be like entering a whole other world. Yet, if your friends don't end up
accepting you for who you truly are, they aren't your friends Kageyama." We paused as our teammates started walking past us towards the gym. "Look, I feel like the best thing you can do to get all
of this weight off your shoulders is talk to Hinata." He gently squeezed my shoulder and walked into the gym doors.

Well, Sugawara. I really hope you're right.

[author's note]
hey gaybies. though i said i'd have a bunch of time to write, i didn't realize i'd be getting online homework. (drop an f in the chat) anyways, as always stay safe and away from others. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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