Chapter 17

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(Dream of Derek)

A familiar boy awakes up on noises high heel on the wooden floor with puts on robe plans to investigate protecting his family. When I left the bedroom, shouting names of my family worried something hope checks every room in reveal empty. All the emotions wired up on panic run crazy on where are my family or weird things in each room. Those treasures of an object my childhood rake brain why a place with other room empty. He is walking decent pace down the stairs with two figures at kitchen table drinks hot beverage turns a spoon looks ready a conversation reveals identify relevant in my life.

"Mom!" Confuse Derek

"Where is Nora?" Asked Derek

"Son, we want to between talk us without family." Said Dad

"Dad!" Confuse Derek

"We always love you, my boy, and limited time right now." Said Mom

"Why are we in a weird dream state with you too right now?" Question Derek

"You have fallen off the course, scared of things need to talk about it." Said Dad

"I never mean hurt on leave that way cause doubts on love in life." Answer Mom

"That's too late on not care about us since they left our family." Shouts Derek

"Do you remember all the fight we had cause problem in time decides better life our kids." Explains Dad

"I did love your dad for an awhile unit deserve to be happy too." Said Mom

"Why did let in Casey with fate want learn a love between you two could have a future?" Asked Mom

"I did not love her with demands which could think talk that way to me." Comments Derek

"You have observed our unhealthy fight thinks it's right with logical, not see another side view." Said Dad

"We were wrong to have stayed in an unhealthy marriage for our kids." Comments Mom

"When I meet Nora, she taught patience and understand not to be always right in fights just works through our problems." Explains Dad

"You have to forgive people that hurt in opened heart for soul-mate." Said Mom

"I hate all the anger hate my mom with years need to forgive you one day fix our relationship in time." Answer Derek

"My boy." Sobbing Mom

"Call her to get back your girl, and do not let her go again." Said Dad

"It's almost time until the storm comes, George." Echo's Mom

"What going happened right now?" Confuse Derek

"Do not forget our conversation and objects too." Echo's Dad

The house hears a thunderstorm outside the level of floor move left with riverbank going down the living room.

"Mom!" Shouts Derek

"Dad!" Shouts Derek

A voice of angel songs in that sound familiar follows into the kitchen magic change into a beach.

"Hey!" Echo's Derek

She is the water with a long white gown about turn around smiling before fault cracks broken upset, not reveals angel beauty.

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