Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: I Do Not own life with Derek, and materials are not my own. This show life with Derek is one of my favorites and loved watching it when it was on Disney Channel. At the time 2005-2009, you could see yourself in one of the characters, and Things are going to change. The story is my version of life with Derek and hopes you enjoy Dasey Love Story Fanfiction!

Returns the senior back to school.

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Senior year is fantastic as a high school, almost stepping into the adult world figuring out to college sending deadlines into years study career and life outside the comfort zone of parent's home. We ambition and scared on failing jump of shark and fish discovery in yourself deep inside friend company enjoy last year treasure the memories. Summer break felt hot and vacation of the student creation memory with love one in demands more day of good life relaxing by the pool or sleep in every day. You are waking up on the first day of school excited to see pals again in the mix of everything walking back into hallways normal sense of learning and accomplishment almost made it another year left. The locker opens in a month, forgetting code or turns number right to the left automatic thing that high school taught them. Popular students walk on air in everyone stares gossip and turn away, pretend not to notice happy face perfectly contain in life with other dreams of alternate high school world fly away for halls haunted memories.

"Hey, Beautiful." Greet Derek

"Hey, Handsome." Greet Casey

"You guys are a sick loving couple that perfect not argument." Teases April

"Who said couple maybe have the different options at the time on each other better half." Comment Casey

"I love her sassy and stubborn in every way who deal with me kicking into gear at time misplaced speak the wrong things." Said, Derek

"Cavemen and princess at it again speak each other sentence." Blunt Emily

"We go to the same school in childish behavior and try acting civil around never find true happiness need to make everyone miserable." Replied Casey

"Good rite on daddy, rich girl." Shouts Emily

"She is afraid of parent living separately at anger to anyone get in her way." Said Casey

"How did you know about my parent?" Demands Emily

"Watch that tongue on secret ruin high school experiment." Whispers Casey

"Are you going moving away with daddy or stay?" Asked Casey

"It is none of your business about my family." Said Emily

"I am not afraid of girls like you eat for breakfast and one day nicest spare a heartache karma." Say, Casey

"I hate you on walking in my school think of controlling me and rule like taking the crown." Said Emily

"Newbie in fire born fighter that always bold victory no one ever has seen." Replied April

"They never leave the side of leader protecting the queen." Say, Emily

"I know all the secret that in skeleton closet wish nicest spare more embarrassment on the family name or yourself." Said Casey

"I believe she is the tiger does not need to protect anyone; in conclusion, completely false." Replied Finn

"Do you have someone else day to ruin?" Asked Sam

Poor things could not get a response on coming back and left angry, causing attention with laughing peers who enjoy drama display show her different light.

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