Chapter 24

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Talent is everything I work though hours in the dance studio as a young ballerina who know other side archenemy caused stories of future dance can assume cold and manipulative over other dreams. There is not much facts base on another point of view could see oppose way we were friend back in childhood fighting the same side by oath spoken between us girls. I love to remember the time we girl would dance together in the mirror picture a future of wedding and kids as a future adult. Our fantasy outlived short falling sacrifices caused a divide between the dance world and our parent mothers forces a rift forever hating each other as not thing did exist anymore. She had to meet April month later in dance class makes an unbreakable bond. I was in the corner upset on my old best friend repair me throwing our bond in a fire does not look back on sad face girl left alone. You could say changing myself not one could hurt me again was childish on promise make Casey life misery. I had switch to dark side watch every move her my archenemy over time felt emotionless walking a chilly step creation a bully, not a hero.

When you play chess, mate learning the opponent weak and strength is fair game on new 2.0 Madeline. Preschool was good on pushing her down with throw paint on clothes too. Middle School is pure torture on pranks, and teasing did not work with her friend at the side. High School was fighting on a top smartish student with boy's Competition on dates or kissing them. The dance was innocent in time head to compete against each other, push raw emotion out of team separate on best or worse every time moving inch away not recognizing us anymore. If you ask anyone on the worse thing ever done, I could top scoreboard sneaky around on her boyfriend with purpose sent a tape of the scandal-hit list to the next competition judge ruined opportunity nationals. How does rate the worse thing you have ever did in life or hidden truth of shock right now? Everyone has a willing price pay on revenge better server cold in the progress of common disaster enemy. I am a as not labeled as the angel in dark wings is demon want pure joy to kick innocent native soul down for good. There is a list of guys taken for the enemy on my beauty and body a need to kill her heart of gold one all the riches on empire pawns take demand on a queen, not one else.

Meanwhile, seventeen years later, the throne felt alone and ice-cold; not one cares about me. I had been a surprise notice kicked removed out of Dreamers Team without a studio felt like a whole orphan time no home. The anger mob turned against me quickly, causing my world to crumble in a huge hole forever label and throw about in the trash. When the judge's hidden truth on a technical tape sends to a late pressing deadline. It felt like a relief in my breathing, not ruining the career dance world. I got a call a dance team needs a member on a chance to follow skill with most superior technologies' Competition again after the three-month struggle.

She had opened those doors lands a spot-on Candy Apple team with a new path of passion for winning and born star on stage too. National was a massive opportunity for us to win top spot; still, a few problems occurred. The two dances had injuries their foot in a car accident on fall break on month of practice into tube wasted. Wow, that caused an hour deblocking number many times try to find new lead or spacing too. The dance was my escape for the world before four years old in the living room parent house later decide to put a little girl in ballerina classes.

I enjoyed the time to evolve better dance in life realized truth set you free on the new pathway. Tonight, was last time ever dance national Competition as lead role watch other team felt nervous racking on pressure million hear my name judging it by past experiment. Who know why hidden for someone else dream, so lost long fight truth feels inside me? She had taken a deep breath before step on stage for the last time showcases a legacy of dance background. Contemporary was a perfect fit for summary skill on mother love with tricks movement could be a showstopper winning the national Competition. There was too much on my mind clouded, making miss-step on complete a Pirouette accident falls in a walkover hides point decent another trick at the end of the routine. The crowd applauses on defeat screw up huge part trick pretend to have a smile on stage hope coach saw other mistakes too. You could see the reaction of her mad with disappointment wait on judge top three continue next round in minutes, not making it felt horrible.

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