A new beginning

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Hello everyone !!!! Hope you people are doing good and it seems to be a decade away from Wattpad. Oh my God .. it's been many months I stopped updating my stories...

But I have a special message for you all....

I will be slowly recovering from this 'non posting my stories ' in few days and you guys will be getting at least a story for a week... I promise that I am trying hard to be punctual but let's see ... As it's been a year since I stopped watching kkb......and now the show is even more worser as there are no Tisha scenes....

Let's take a breath and think about only the happy moments of abhigya...

Comment below which one i should post first and which one you want to read ....

P.s    if you don't remenwry stories then please have a look at them...

You will remember...!!!!

Until then


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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