Shit Goes Down

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Kick, kick, punch. Dodge. Another kick. Punch-

  "Ouch! Holy fuck, Nat!"

  Natasha grinned as she watched Clint stumbled, her foot connecting with his stomach in an unexpected blow. She slammed him to the ground and triumphantly sat on top of him, twisting his arms behind his back. "You've always been shit," she said. "And you're sweaty. Go take a bath. Rest."

  Clint grumbled. When he spoke, it was all muffled, for he was lying prone on the mattress. "I fwant a eatch."

  "You can't have a rematch. I won, so." She climbed off him, and stuck her tongue out at him when he flopped onto his back.

  "Damn you. Childish ass." Clint staggered to his feet, and limped off to the doors of the gymnasium.

  "Bet my ass is shinier than yours." Natasha increased her pace to a steady trot. "Hey! Wait for me!"

  Just as Clint was pulling the doors open, JARVIS blared from the speakers. "Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton, you are required to meet with Director Fury and the rest of the Avengers at Mr Stark's laboratory. It is an emergency, and he will like you to be as quick as you can."

  "Since when has Fury ever visited us on a fucking Sunday?" Natasha watched Clint scratch his head in frustration. "We are supposed to get ice creams with Laura and your kids."

  "I'll tell them I can't today." Clint cursed under his breath. "Come on, Tasha."

  Both agents rushed to the laboratory. Once inside, Natasha could definitely see the need for emergency.

  A huge glass box was placed in the middle of the room on a table, and Loki's sceptre was clearly vibrating with a sickly green light.

  Tony was muttering to himself as he zipped around the room, calling out instructions to his robots. A cup of coffee was on a table to his left, untouched. Fury frowned even more when the sceptre released a pulsate of green light, which seemed to rattle the glass a little when it reached it.

  "Tony, for the last time, what are you doing with the Infinity Stones?" Steve's exasperated voice sounded behind Natasha.

  She had only ever interacted with the Captain once or twice. They had just met last week, when Fury had brought him in S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. She had seen him briefly in one of her trips to the gym. He was beating the shit out of a punching bag, and his muscles were shining with a layer of sweat. She must admit, he looked really good. He even had a nice ass. Sometimes he would make eye-contact with her, smile, and give her a little greeting. Not going to lie, she had been quite interested in the quiet, patriotic man with the serious face.

  She turned around and saw the super soldier. His lovely eyes locked with hers for just a second, and she nodded her head in greeting. "Morning, Captain."

  "Morning, ma'am."

  "Well, I hope to make something like a time machine." Tony turned around, revealing bags under his tired eyes. But he never lost his trademark snarkiness. "But Fury interrupted me and now everything's a mess!"

  "Because what you're doing is putting everyone in danger!" Fury crossed his arms. "These stones harness power no other being could possibly handle."

  "Well, I'll be fine." Tony went back to fussing over the sceptre.

  "What...What happened?" Natasha walked over to Tony. "What are you thinking, a time machine?"

  "Can everyone just stop scolding me for a second?" Tony looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "You don't know how marvelous this idea is and if everyone can just stop doubting me I can actually make this right for once-"

  "Did Thor give you the stones?" Clint asked.

  "Well, I asked, and he wouldn't let me. So I used a different tactic instead." Tony picked up a box in front of Natasha and opened it with care, revealing a glowing red stone.

  Natasha couldn't help but stare at it. The stone glinted up at her in a small, sly smile. A sense of foreboding crept up her back, and she seized Tony's wrist. "Don't do it. I have a bad feeling about this."

  Tony snatched his arm back. "Don't you tell me what to do."

  "I am trying to prevent you from getting hurt." Natasha lowered her voice an octave. "And can you please let go of your goddamn ego for a second and listen to what other people have to say?"

  Tony gazed at her for a while. The room dropped in temperature. "Well, second's up, redhead. Now, will you please excuse me-"

  "Tony-" Fury and Clint started.

  "Agent Romanoff is right." Steve grabbed Tony's arm.

  The force of his grip sent the box tumbling from Tony's hand.

  Natasha darted forward to catch it, but Steve pushed her away.

  A hole opened up on the glass box and the stone went falling right in.

  "No!" Natasha shoved Steve away and reached for Tony. "Tony, Fury, get back-"

  As she shielded Tony with her body and pushed Nick away from the glass box, blinding light assaulted her eyeballs and she cried out.

  Something exploded behind them, and she felt herself being pulled backward. Panic rose in her stomach and squeezed her chest. She saw Tony's terrified eyes past the light and felt the tugging of his fingers around her wrists as he frantically tried to pull her away from whatever was sucking her from behind.

  "Nat, no!" Clint's voice.

  His labored breath against her ear. "I'll get you out of here."


  "I'm trying!"

  Something ripped Clint and Tony away, and Natasha couldn't breathe as the light swallowed her.

  "14 days!" Tony screeched. "I'll get you back, I promise!"

  "When I crawl my way back here, I will murder you!" Natasha screamed. "Mark my words, Stark!"

  "Wait, what are you-"

  A ringing began in her ears, and her body was on fire, as though someone had torn her apart, doused her in gasoline, put her back together, and tossed her into fire just to watch her burn.

  "Steven Rogers-"

  Natasha felt warm breath against her cheek, and an unfamiliar scent of sweat and laundry enveloped her. Arms looped around her neck.

  "I'm coming with you," was all she heard before everything, the ringing, the fire, the light, all disappeared, and she was thrown into an abyss.

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