The Idiot and the Spy

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In a blink of an eye, a whole new world opened before them.

No some invisible force pulling you, no blinding light, nothing. Just a quiet pulse on your wrist, and you're in a whole other universe. And the ticking time bomb on you counted down your days.

Natasha, seized with a sudden punch of anxiety in her stomach, turned and reached out a hand. Her palm rested on a warm, muscular arm, and she pulled away in relief. "Steve."


"Where are we?" Natasha looked at the breathtakingly gorgeous view before her. The buildings seemed to shine under the sun, and they glinted off golden and silver lights. Polished mirrors flashed. The odd-looking buildings seemed to be set around the mountains towering the circumference of this place, and Natasha looked at the clear waters blinking at her, as though it had never known the word 'pollution' before. A rainbow bridge was built over it, and Natasha followed its path, which led to an enormous, palatial building at the center of the place. It was the tallest among the other buildings and houses, and it seemed to be made from sunlight, sparkling in all its golden glory. Everything here was so bright, and, well, prosperous.

"Steve, come and look."

The sound of scrambling feet, and Steve nearly stumbled into the window. As he took in the view before him, his breath seemed to leave him, and his eyes widened as they racked across the marvelous place before him. "Wow. It's like it came out right from a fairy tale."

"I know right. Now stop staring." Natasha elbowed him in the ribs, snapping his attention from the window to her. "You're starting to drool, it's disgusting." She stifled a laugh as he wiped at his mouth. "Just kidding."

"What is this place?" He looked down at his clothes, then to the armor laying in a heap beside the bed. "And this doesn't look like normal clothing."

Natasha traced the armor-inspired patterns on her beige dress, then tugged at the soft brown cloak draped around her shoulders. A belt was wrapped around her, where a sheath was attached to. She pulled out the sword in it, and laughed at the glinting silver as it caught the light from the window. She swung it around, and Steve took a step back.

"I don't think you should be playing with that," he said.

"I'm not playing with it, I'm practicing." Natasha sheathed it, and patted it smugly. "I'm sleeping with this."

"Are you serious?"

"Rogers, I sleep with a gun under my pillow." Natasha grinned. "I'll be fine."

Steve stared out the window again. "I think...I think we're in space, Natasha."


He jerked his head to the side, stepping aside as she rushed to the window. The sky outside looked like any normal sky, blue and filled with fluffy clouds. But beyond that, a few spheres were barely visible through the blue, but they were there. Natasha squinted at it. "Are those planets?"

"Seems like it."

Natasha whirled toward him. "The stone."

Steve nodded. "But first, is the stone near?"

"What place is this?" Natasha looked out the window again. Her eyes locked onto the peculiar bridge. "I'm not sure...but this could be Asgard."

"What makes you think that?"

"Look at the bridge, Steve. When Thor told us about his brother, he mentioned the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge. And when he disappears in that rainbow light, it could be connected to the bridge." Natasha plucked at her dress. "This clothing looks weird, don't you think? Not from what we're used to. And that armor." She pointed at the untidy pile adjacent to the bed. "Looks kind of similar to Thor's, doesn't it?"

Steve picked it up, and ran a finger down its intricate design. "Now that you've pointed it out..." He looked at the other one on the floor and tossed it to Natasha. She caught it deftly, and he began to tug his armor over his clothes. "Come on. We have to find Thor."

"Wait." Natasha watched him struggle to get the breastplate on his chest. She sighed and went over to help him. "How do we know that he knows us? We might be just one of his people." She adjusted the breastplate and his sheath.

"Oh. That. But we have to try."

"Or he might not know us, think we're some seriously fucked up lunatics, and order us to be sent to prison when he realizes that we're not Asgardians."

Steve suddenly grabbed her elbow in an iron grip as she started to walk away. He pulled her close to him, his face fierce. Natasha seethed under his touch, but didn't say anything. "Listen, Romanoff, it's all or nothing. We have to take every opportunity we have, or we're good as dead. It's not like we're stuck here forever. Every time the clock strikes 12 we wake up to a different world. So even if we're imprisoned, it's only just for a while."

"Then what about the stone?"

Natasha watched him falter and smiled, knowing she had won. She wrenched her arm away and walked to the window. "I'll take your stupid plan into consideration, but we have to change some things."

"Like what?"

Natasha threw her coat onto the bed as she went to the bathroom. "You'll see soon enough."

"What do you mean, Thor isn't here?" Steve cried.

  "Don't you know?" the woman said. "He's on Midgard."

  Natasha's fingers itched toward her sword. "How do we get there?"

  "You can find Heimdall at the end of the Bifrost. He can help you." The woman gestured to the long bridge, which faded into the distance. "Why do you need to find the prince so urgently?"

  "It's none of your business," Natasha interrupted when Steve opened his mouth.

  "It certainly is my business. Unless you're plotting on assassinating the king." The woman started to draw out her sword.

  "Listen, we're Thor's friends, and we want to get out of here. We do not know how we end up here, and we mean no harm to the Asgardians. We're from Earth," Steve explained.

  What kind of idiot just exposes themselves to a fucking stranger of another world? Natasha suppressed an eye-roll and sighed heavily out of her nose instead. She grabbed his wrist and squeezed it, hard, and he yelped at the sudden pressure. "I'm sorry, but he's had a rough night yesterday. He dreamed that he was a Midgard...ian, and still couldn't differentiate between fantasy and reality."

  "Well, he seems serious." The woman sheathed her sword, but kept a firm grip on it. "I'll escort you to Heimdall."

  "You big idiot," Natasha hissed into his ear as the woman walked past. "Next time you keep your mouth shut until I tell you not to." With that, she yanked him along.

  As the trio walked briskly across the bridge, the land disappeared below them. As Natasha looked at the waters underneath her, she wondered what would happen if she pushed the woman into it and made a run to Heimdall. Too risky.

  "So, how long have you two been together?" the woman asked, breaking the silence.

  "We're not together, we're siblings." Natasha held the woman's brown gaze.

  "You don't look very much alike."

  "That's because he's an idiot and I'm not."


  Natasha stuck her tongue out at him.


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