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Ezra Jones

"Good morning, Miss Jones. I'm Mr. DuPont and I will be showing you to your dorm" Jugheads old teacher smiled, holding his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand, forcing a smile "It's a pleasure to be here, Mr. DuPont. A dream honestly"

DuPont seemed pleased with my answer as he nodded before leading my dad and I down a hallway.

"We usually don't have co-ed dorms, but given the unforeseen circumstances this is all we have at the moment. I can assure you it will last no longer than a couple days" DuPont sighs, opening a door.

I knew the room instantly, Jugheads old dorm. The unforeseen circumstance being his death of course.

I nod, placing my boxes on the desk "That's fine, sir. I can handle it" I smile

DuPont laughs "Well, I will leave you to get settled in. Your new roommate should be here soon"

He leaves, leaving my dad and I in the room alone. My dad helps me unpack and settle in even a little.

"It's a shame this school is the God forsaken hell hole it is because I know how much you wanted to come here" my dad sighs, putting the framed picture of him, Jughead and I on my desk "I'm sorry I couldn't send you here"

I shake my head, patting his shoulder "You said it yourself, this place is rotten. Hey, I got into Harvard without it didn't I?"

He smiles "Yeah, you did. I'm so proud of you, doll, so is your mother"

"I know"

My dad stays a little while longer before leaving me to put everything away properly. I didn't have to attend any seminars as it was my first day so I spent my morning laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling out of sheer boredom.

The door opening makes me jump, sitting up in my bed. It was Bret, of course, a smug look on his face until he shut the door and let out a sigh.

"It's tough isn't it" I begin "Having someone try pin a murder on you, I'd believe it gets stressful"

Betty and I had agreed that the best way for me to get by here until her and her master plan was ready, was for me to pretend I knew nothing, that I blamed Betty and that Jugheads death was beneficial to me.

Bret jumped, unaware of my presence "Jones? I didn't know you were joining us, rather unexpected I must say"

I nodded "Well, after Betty brained my brother I was more than happy to take his place here"

"Wait, you believe Betty killed Forsythe? I beg your pardon but you don't seem too upset about that" He says, obviously confused.

I shrugged "Of course, Jugheads death is quite possibly the most beneficial thing to happen so far. It's always been Jughead this Jughead that, now I think it's Ezras turn. Don't you? I mean, you did play a part in all this"

"You said it yourself, Ponytail killed your brother, not me" He scoffs, throwing his book bag on his bed.

I tutt, shaking my head "No Bret, I mean your attempt in publicly humiliating me, which by the way failed. Once Reggie had found out I wasn't batting for one team we unfortunately broke up. How sad"


"I'm not finished" I cut him off "I won't lie, I wracked my brain trying to figure out how you found out about me and Paige, our secret fling. Then, after a bit of digging I found out Paige Pembroke, whose parents were never married, took her mothers last name and not her fathers, Mr. Weston-Walis, your uncle"

Brets mouth opens and shuts like a fish before regaining his composure "I say, investigating is in the Jones blood isn't it? Well if you must know, yes, Paige is my cousin and she was more that willing to air your little secret after you left her for some greaser Serpent"

I shrug my shoulders "Oh well, what's done is done. But like I said, this all led up to me being here, the oh so tragic death of my useless brother and Reggie and I sadly parting ways. I'm officially independent, with no distractions to finally get what's mine, the Baxter Brothers contract."

Bret opens his mouth but is interrupted by our door swinging open, Reggie with a look of anger on his face.

"I told you we weren't done talking, then you block my number? What the hell, E?" He shouts, throwing his hands up.

I roll my eyes "Take the hint, Mantle. It's over, now leave"

"I'll uh, leave you two to it" Bret mumbles, scurrying out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"That was easy-"

"Shush!" I shout, rooting around the room through Brets things, finding the small camera on the shelf "Nice try, Bret"

I drop the camera and step on it, crushing it under my foot.

"See, unlike my genius girlfriend I would've never thought of that" Reggie grins, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I shrug, smiling "What can I say, I'm that good. Not to be all business but, did Betty tell you anything, give you a message to pass on?"

He nods "She said everyone is coming tomorrow, at the start of your last seminar. When I asked she said I couldn't come" he pouts.

I laugh louder than I should've "I must say, Bughead wasted absolutely no time. I've been here two hours and I'll be getting hauled out tomorrow night, what was the point in unpacking?"

When the time came for Reggie to leave we left no detail out in causing a scene, screaming, shouting, me throwing a textbook down the hall at him, you know normal pretending-to-breakup-with-your-boyfriend-as-an-add-on-to-your-brothers-fake-death, common teenager things.

The rest of the day came and went, relatively uneventful until the night came around and Donna was ranting and raving.

"I have proof Jugheads alive!" She starts out, oblivious to me being there.

I shut my mouth, pretending to be asleep.

"Whoa, Donna, slow down. How can you be so sure?" Bret asked.

There was a pause, I presume Donna gestures toward me as Bret scoffed and said 'she's been out cold the last half hour'.

Fucking idiot.

"I trailed Betty to an apocalyptic bunker, where she sloppily swapped saliva with that carrot-topped Neanderthal. It was all a charade. They had takeout from Pops, that little diner that Jones was obsessed with." Donna paces the room as she tells Bret what happened.

Bret scoffed "And what? There's an extra burger? Archie is built like a superhero, I'm sure he could wolf half a dozen-"

"Forget about the burger!" Donna yells "There was not one, not two, but three milkshakes in evidence. I am certain that Jones must have heard me sneaking down the ladder and hid so as not to get caught."

I hear Bret get up "Donna look, maybe um, you should let sleeping dogs lie. Take the win. Forsythes dead. We killed him. Ponytail has obviously moved on, as has his sister. It's time you do the same."

I space out after that. I got a confession but my dumb ass hadn't recorded anything. I had a confession but no proof, what kind of lawyer am I?

Donna leaves after threatening Bret, I wait until I hear him fall asleep and take out my phone.

To: Betty
Is there any chance you can get here earlier tomorrow, I can't stay here.

From: Betty
Why? What happened?

To: Betty
Bret just admitted it, to Donna. Donna knows Jug isn't dead too by the way. Betty these people are insane what if they off me in my sleep?

From: Betty
Oh shut up, they aren't that stupid you'll be fine. They aren't allowed out of their dorms after a certain time. I'll call your dad about coming early, I'll let you know

To: Betty
Okay, I'll call you tomorrow. If I'm still alive.

From: Betty
:/ stfu

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