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Ezra Jones

From: Ronnie
So, Ezzie
8:26 AM

Seeming as you've missed the last two days, there's somethings you should know before you come back
8:27 AM

From: Arch
Ronnie whatever you're gonna say please DONT
8:27 AM

From: Kev
She will murder us!!
8:27 AM

From: Cheryl
Your idiot boyfriend along with Kevin and Archie glued Honey to his chair and phone.
8:29 AM

To: Seniors!!
Please tell me someone got a photo
8:30 AM

From: Jug
I got you
8:30 AM


To: Seniors!!
Oh my god Reggie I love you.

That's great

I nearly peed my pants
8:32 AM

From: Betty
It was pretty funny
8:32 AM

From: Cheryl
Apart from the fact you delinquents got prom CANCELLED
8:33 AM

From: Reg
Ez, remember, you love me

It's just prom

I love you
8:34 AM

To: Seniors!!
Reggie you're gonna die alone

Never speak to me again

I don't mean that but I don't like you right now.

Archie and Kevin can choke too

8:35 AM

From: Ronnie
Wait! We have a plan
8:36 AM

From: Betty
Jug and I are talking to FP and Mom, we're trying to get all the parents to complain to the school
8:37 AM

To: Seniors!!
Let me handle mom and dad, no Jones man has ever refused me :)
8:39 AM

"And, look, I'm not for school dances, but this one means a lot." I hear Jughead sigh as I stand on the top of the stairs.

That's my cue.

"Daddy!" I screech, stomping down the stairs "Mr. Honey has banned prom!"

Betty and Jughead whip round to face me.

"Listen, doll-"

"No!" I stomp my foot "You listen. I didn't suffer three gruelling years of public school, an asshole boyfriend, not knowing who my mother was and believing my brother fucking died just for one of the biggest events of my teenage life to be cancelled!"

My dad looks like he's about to yell at me before my mom steps in.

"She's right, FP. The children have gone through too much to have their last big celebration together cancelled, we have to go in there." She speaks sternly, crossing her arms.

I nod, pouting "Please dad, he won't listen to us. He even cancelled the yearbook too. Me and Jughead can't miss prom!"

My dad shakes his head, grabbing his coat "The hell you will, I'm going in there and giving that jackass a piece of my mind"

"We both are" My mom adds.

I grin, watching them leave the house, Jughead and Betty scrambling behind them.

To: Seniors!!
I just single handily saved our prom
8:55 AM

From: Jughead
We were trying to convince them for twenty damn minutes and all Ezra had to do was stop her foot
8:56 AM

From: Betty
And doing it flawlessly
8:56 AM

From: Reg
Yeah that tends to work a lot.
8:57 AM

To: Seniors!!
So, Reggie, can you pick me up now :))
8:58 AM

And he did, we were 20 minutes late for school because of me but he picked me up nonetheless.

When we get there we see Honey clearing out his office. My friends gathered outside his office.

"Well, Mr. Honey. Looks like the good guys won" Veronica remarks sarcastically, crossing her arms.

Honey stops in front of us "What? Is that what you think happened here?"

Archie shrugs "Well, you're leaving and we're staying, so yeah, I'd mark that as a win."

Honey pauses "I stand by everything I've done, including the videotape. Everything that I have done is to make this school better, safer, for you and your classmates. Because what goes on around here, murder, mayhem, depravity, it is not normal"

"Well, it's normal for us" I shrug, sounding awkward.

"That's unfortunate that you think that's normal. Good luck in Harvard, Miss Jones." He smiles weakly before leaving.

I scrunch up my face "Was that supposed to be mean?"

Reggie places a hand on my shoulder "Weirdly enough I don't think it was"

"Actually, Miss Jones" Mr Honey calls out, turning back "I'd like you to have this"

He hands me a letter addressed to Harvard, from him.

Was this asshole trying to screw me over?

I take it from him, thanking him quietly although I didn't know if I should or not. I follow everyone into the lounge, unfolding the paper.

To who it may concern,
I, Holden Honey, am writing to you on behalf on one of my students Ezra Madeleine Jones who will be attending classes in Fall.

Miss Jones is a remarkably intelligent student who is an extremely talented writer, actress and musician. Her intelligence is reflected in her 4.0 GPA which she has held all throughout her time in Riverdale High.

Miss Jones has had a tougher high school experience than most and I would greatly appreciate it if tutoring or counselling be available for her whenever she may need, enclosed is the payment.

If you would like to follow up, feel free to contact me.

Holden Honey
Riverdale High

"What did he say? He try to screw you over?" Archie asked, tilting his head.

I shake my head "It's a copy of what he sent them. He, uh, he paid for my tutoring and stuff" I mumbled, passing him the letter.

"As he has done for many other under privileged students" Miss Bell speaks from the door, making me jump.

She tells us about all the students he's helped throughout the year, making us feel extremely guilty, even more so when she hands Jughead another letter.

Miss Bell leaves us sitting there awkwardly, thinking about how we ran out principle out of town.

"Anyway, don't forget to pack for the senior trip" Cheryl chirps cheerily "We're meeting at Thistlehouse, Sunday at 12pm and if you're late you're not coming!"

She saunters out of the room, leaving us all confused behind her.

"What the fuck is she talking about?"

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