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  "Hey, where's Jimena?" BadBoyHalo asked. He was in the kitchen, baking muffins. Callahan and leCyber, who were helping, shrugged their shoulders. a6d pop in, "She's in her room because from what she said was 'Transformer Depression.'" The black and red animatronic tilt his head in confusion, "'Transformer Depression?' What the muffin is that?" He look back at his baked goods. leCyber replied, "Isnt that she-oh. I know what she meant." They all look at him. leCyber leaned back on the counter, "Transformers? The shows she watches besides doing the projects and school? She probably had finished all of them on Netflix and sad because its only 1 season per each show." a6d spoke, "Seriously? Isnt there other programs they can watch it on?" Callahan nodded.

  "SPIFEY!" a voice ranged out from upstairs, it was Jimena. They walked out to them dressed in a yellow hood and jeans. Jimena was tying their hair in a ponytail, a signature look. The beaver walked in, "Yes?" She walked down the steps saying, "Can you come with me to the library to get more Transformer movies and shows?" a6d leaned on the wall, "I thought you weren't in a mood to get out of your room because of the 'Transformer Depression?'" Jimena shot a glare at the tall man. "Zip it. I'm craving for more Transformers and Netflix hadn't updated the shows. I even went on Adult mode to see more Transformers!" She turn to the tall beaver for a answer. Spifey asked, "Why don't you go by yourself? You are a grown up by the way." The short adult protested, "But I hate going alone on public! Pleassseee? Por favor? I even spoke in spanish!" The beaver gave in. They shifted in his human form.

It was obvious to bring out that Spifey was the only one who has a diagnostic disc in his chest cavity since the being first one. The others are still being made.

  They both got in the car and drove to the library. Jimena plugged in her phone and click on CG5, putting on the album Patiently. (Which is a good abulm. Im listening right now to the abulm that came out today) Spifey look at the small screen, reading the title and credits. "Isnt this one if your favourite artists you play in the house?" The woman nodded, "Yes."

  They finally arrived at the destination, sadly Leave Me Behind came on. They walked inside. Spifey followed Jimena to the film section. Jimena was in seconds all over the Transformers movies and shows. "And look its Grimlock! He's my most favourite besides BumbleBee and Optimis Prime." Spifey nodded. He said, "Im going to wonder a bit. Bad does want a cooking book by the way." The other nodded. "Alright, pick anything that seems exciting to read or watch. But no Rated R or PG-13 films!"

Spifey's POV

  I nodded, remembering of how Jimena was never fond of mature stuff, coming from an adult. But whatever. Everyone had their own likes and dislikes. I went around, finding the cooking section and selecting some books that BadBoyHalo might like.

  Now what would I like to see? I wonder around aimlessly then spotted something in the animal section. I gasped, reading the cover; Beavers. Wasn't I based on this animal? Now to think about it... I never really know anything about these animals. I collect two of these books and left to find Jimena. I found her on the ground at the horror books. She was leaning on the bookshelf, reading a book. I cleared my throat, catching their attention. "Oh! Ready to go?" Jimena stood up and picked up the pile of books and dvds. "Dont you think thats too much?" I asked, gesturing at the pile in her arms. She smiled, "Could never have too many! Now lets go or MomBoyHalo will be worry and I have to eat." We walked over to the checkout area and Jimena used her card since I dont have one. "Beavers?" Jimena asked, as she got to the beaver books. I nodded, "I mean, Im based on that animal, might as well learn about them." I cracked a smile at her. She nodded and I carried my own pile. We both walked back to the car to leave.

  We continued listening to the album of Patiently as we head back home. I rummage through the pages of the book. I look and admired the drawings of the creatures and some facts about them. I wonder... if I can shift into one? I shut my eyes and concentrated on a image of a beaver then when I opened them, I was ... small. Even smaller than Skeppy. "Holy! Spifey!" I felt the car jolted a bit, but luckily I had the seatbelt. I look over to Jimena, who was focus on driving. "Didnt know you really wanted to know what a beaver's perspective is!" She laugh. I turn back and nodded.

  When we arrived, I quickly went over to the others to show them about my people. "Hey guys! Look!" I repeated what I did in the car. Bad, of course, awed at my new form. "That's adorable! So thats what the actual animal looks like?" He nodded. Skeppy laugh, "Im no longer the shortest!" I grinned and went back. Skeppy said nothing then walked away. We all laughed. I gave BBH his cooking books and went to hang with the others.

  Today was quite exciting of learning my  people-or beavers and exploring more of the library.

Words: 925

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