Happy Birthday, Bad!

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BadBoyHalo's POV

I open up my eyes. It was still dark in the morning, probably 5AM. Of course, the others wont be up at this time. My eyes slowly wander to the calender that I placed on the wall in my room, well, a6d's, Skeppy's, and my room. It read April 2nd. I smiled, It's today! The day when Jimena had finished creating me and brought to life! I got off my bed that Jimena had provided us because for the day when we have our discs. Though we dont exactly sleep. I sneak a glance to the shutdown a6d and Skeppy that lay on their own beds and left the room. I walked down the stairs since we stay in the upper floor. I turned on the television when I arrived in the living room. I flipped on the news to see anything is happening.

I was usually up early in the mornings than everyone else. The very last person who would get up is Jimena, due to reading, watching YouTube videos, and working on the discs. I always warn her not to overwork herself, but doesn't listen.

I shook my head and focus on the news reports. It wasn't much at all though, just murders, robbery, animal sightings, etc. After half an hour later, footsteps where heard. I look over to see Callahan and leCyber. I smiled and waved at them both. "How are you?" I asked, cheerfully. leCyber replied, "Good. You?" Callahan nodded as of a same response. "Amazing! Guess what?!" I smiled widely. But they both shushed me, I forgot that I could wake the others up. I cover my mouth and whispered an apology. Callahan smiled, "Its alright and what are you excited about?" I squealed and told them of the day.

They both were surprised and smiled. "Do you guys ever shush the f-" "language!" "Up? Im trying to rest," a6d came in. leCyber scoffed, "When did you ever shut down?" "Two hours ago." I shook my head, "Morning, a6d!" a6d greeted back. They all join me on the couch and chatted for a while til' more and more of our friends came in then all of the animatronics are here. It was now currently 9AM in the morning and it was time to wake up the duck.

"Soo?" I started, catching their attention. "What Baldie?" Skeppy asked, looking at me as he was on TapL's head. I glared at him, "Im not Bald! But whos is going to wake up, Jimena?" Spiffy asked, "Why dont you get her, Ive already went with her to the library couple of days ago."

"I always have to get her! You muffins have to atleast one day wake her up." I put my hands on my hips.

"I'll do it!" Zelk volunteered. He had that face on him. We all know it. Its his face that he had planned something. He walked up the stairs.

Zelkam's POV

  I walked quietly into her room. Good, she's still asleep! I smiled. She was sleeping on her bed, hugging her Winnie the Pooh toy in her arms. There is a way to get her out of bed by taking it away, but Im not doing that, she'll hit me with her bat.

  I took off my headphones and put in a earrape song in it. I slip it on her head and watch it. I could control the headphones so i could also tell which part it is at. Then it hit it. She shot up with a shriek and took the headphones off her head. I burst into laughter as she was shaked up. She turn to me and glared. "What the heck, dude!" She yelled. I picked my headphones back and said, "Come on, time to get out of bed!" I walked out to give her privacy even tho she doesnt change only sometimes after breakfast. She walked out with Eeyore in her arms. "Let's go." She walked down. She wore her t-shirt and sweats and Minecraft socks. Probably still mad at me. I figured at her behavior towards me. "Anyways, today is BaldBoyHalo's day of bring to life I guess you can say?" I reminded, catching her attention. "Its his birthday?!" She smiled. "I guess you can say that." Jimena nodded and walked down.

  Bald was making a English Muffin for Jimena. Bald man basically make food for her since she cant make her own besides some simple stuff and relies it on him. And not gonna lie, his food smells delicious!

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