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I sighed as I shuffled through the mail. Bill. Bill. Bill. Huh, eviction notice. I threw the papers across the room and slammed my fists down on the table, earning a wail from Melody. I turned around and walked across the room, picking up Melody from her crib and rocking her in my arms.

"Shh, shh. I'm sorry melody, mommy's sorry," I whispered in her ear as I bounced her slightly on my hip. She was just starting to stop crying when there was a knock on the door. With a deep sigh I walked over to the door and opened it, still holding my baby on my hip. 

The bright smiling face of my best friend was not the face I was expecting. "Christmas Abernathy! Long time no see girlfriend!" She said as she stepped in and hugged me. I hugged back with one arm, holding Melody with the other. 

"Katy, what are you doing here?" I exclaimed as she took Melody from my arms, embracing the infant. "Well, I thought that maybe you would want to see your best friend Chris," she said smirking. I shook my head smiling as I went to got pick up the envelopes I had chucked across the room moments ago.

"Hello Melody," Katy said in a very baby talk way, "did you miss auntie Katy? Did you miss me? Oh I know you did!" Melody squealed happily in response. Katy looked back up at me and noticed the paper in my hands. She set Melody down and walked to me.

"Whatcha got there, Christmas?" She asked pointing to the eviction notice from my landlord. I handed it over to her and she scanned over the page. She looked up at me, and furrowed her eyes. But rose them a moment later with an idea glimmering in her honey yellow eyes. 

"Come stay with me," she said as she folded the paper and through it over her shoulder. "No, Katy. I couldn't, I couldn't do that," I said as I started across the room to grab the paper. She grabbed my shoulder, "Uh, yeah you can. I have that house all to myself, and I was looking for a roommate anyways! Come on, you would love Tulsa. It is so different from Texas." 

I sighed, "Where would I work? What would I do with melody while I worked?" She responded quickly, "There's a little old lady next door to me who watches the baby of another family on the street, she loves it and does it for free. We're great friends don't even worry. And there's a little club looking for a part time lounge singer. Please, we could help each other so much. You can go ahead and come back with me today." Her eyes pleaded.

I smiled, "Fine." 


I sat in the driver seat of my truck, following Katy down the road. We passed a green sign that caught my attention. 'Welcome to Tulsa!' It read.

I glanced into the mirror above my head, looking at melody in her car seat behind me. "Well Melody, welcome to Tulsa."

A/N: Hiii. First chapter hoped you liked it. So there's gonna be a few chapters that aren't from Christmas's point of view, but those will be annotated on the top and the next chapter will be back to Christmas unless otherwise stated.

My school is currently out until April 13th, so I'm gonna try and update a lot but no promises.


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