Chapter 1

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The gravel crunched under the wheels of my car as I pulled into the parking lot of Bucks. I parked my truck, took a deep breath and stepped out into the cool June air. I could hear the music and dancing from out here. There was a hand drawn sign in the window that read 'Hiring Part Time Lounge Singer'. Conformation is never a bad thing.

I pulled the door open and stepped into the over crowded room. I could see a small bar across the room, there was a man behind selling drinks. He must be Buck. I pushed my way through a few people, but it got more difficult the further I got into the crowd. Somehow I ended up on the other side of the room from where I needed to be, next to some stairs. 

I sighed, I was about to try and make it across the room, but a voice stopped me. "What's a classy little broad like you doing here?" The voice came from my left. I turned and was face to face with a boy who looked my age. His held a cigarette between his lips.

"I hope you weren't talking to me buddy," I said. He smirked, "Matter o' fact, little lady, I was." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, "What's it to you anyways?" He scoffed as if it was obvious, but he didn't say anything for a moment. Instead he took a long drag off his cigarette.

"You must be new in town," he said as he blew a smoke ring. "That obvious?"

"Well, you don't know who I am. You don't know how to get through this crowd, and you aren't nearly drunk enough to be here this time of night," he counted on his fingers and let out a little laugh. I held out my hand, "I'm Christmas Abernathy. I just moved in town today."

He shook my hand, "I'm coming to the conclusion that there is to many people with original names in this town. I'm also Dallas Winston." I laughed. "Well Dallas, any tips on how to get over to him?" I turned and pointed to the man who I was assuming to be Buck.

His face scrunched in confusion, "And why the hell does a doll like you want to talk to a man who looks like that when I'm right in front of you." I shook my head "Don't be an ass Dallas, I'm trying to get a job."

He raised an eyebrow, "You a singer?" I nodded. "Liar. No broad can be that good looking and have another talent too." I placed my hands on my hips, "Is that so?" He hummed a yes as he pulled out and lit another cancer stick. "I bet you a drink I can get the job."

He took a long drag off his weed refusing to answer. I smiled, "Hmm. I didn't take Dallas Winston as a Candyass." He smiled too, "It's on." He began to push his way through the crowd, others seeming almost scared of him, I followed closely behind. There were a few guys I passed who's eyes lingered on me a moment too long, but the second they saw who I was following, they went back to groping whatever girls was grinding against them.

We finally got to the counter and Dallas threw a peanut at buck to get his attention. "The fuck, Winston?" he said as he turned. Dallas spoke through the cigarette between his lips, "The girl wants a job." He jabbed his thumb in my direction. Buck seemed to have just noticed me standing there.

He stood for a second and assessed me. "So, can you sing?" he asked. "Yeah, I would say I can," I said simply. Dallas let out a small laugh. Buck smirked and raised an eyebrow. "So you can't sing?" Buck said as he began to wipe down the counter, suddenly bored. I elbowed Dallas, "He's never heard me sing before."

Buck looked up from the counter, "What's your name girlie?"

"Christmas Abernathy."

He let out a small laugh. "Really?" he asked rhetorically. "Okay Christmas, you get up on that stage," he pointed to the stage with a singer and a small band on it, "take Ross's place for now. And if you can sing, you have the job." 

I grinned and glanced at Dallas, who was very interested. I made my way to the stage just as Ross finished singing. I stepped up onto the stage and tapped Ross's shoulder. I whispered to him and to the band and then walked up to the mic. The crowd was still dancing but visibly intrigued. The band started to play the intro as I adjusted the height of the mic. I fixed my eyes on Dallas and started to sing on my cue.

(Song at top)

After I stopped people cheered for the new singer. I made my way through the crowd to a stunned Dallas and Buck. I walked up and sat down on a barstool. "So buck, what do ya say?" I said. "I say your fucking hired. You start Monday 9-4" he said through a grin. 

I spun the barstool to face Dallas, "And how bout you Winston? I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other." He still looked shocked though. He put out his cigarette and reached his hand into the pocket of his jeans, "I think I owe you a drink Ms. Abernathy." He took out two coins and flipped them to Buck who started to pour something that was likely illegal.

I smiled for the millionth time today, "My friends call me Chris." Dallas let out a laugh. He took the drinks from Buck and handed one to me. "Well, my friends call me Dally."

I raised my glass, "Cheers, Dally."

"Cheers, Chris."

A/N: I know people probably won't listen to the songs. But most of the time they'll be songs that Christmas "wrote" and the lyrics will be important to the storyline. So if you don't know the song please listen! I promise they'll be good 🥰

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