Chapter 2

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"So how did you end up in Tulsa?" Dally asked as he took another sip of liquor and gazed off into the distance from the back steps of Bucks. The moonshine in my hand reflected the stars above, but not the trouble the question brought. "Long story," I said swirling the amber liquid in the cup. He let out a breathy laugh, "We all got one of those don't we," he turned to me, "I ran away from New York to get out of a lot of trouble," he looked back away. "To find family that actually want me around." 

I only knew the guy for a few hours but I could tell he wasn't one to share like this. I've been told I'm easy to talk to. "Did you find that?" He smiled, "Yeah, I've got a real close gang. Six other boys that've been through a lot too." He trailed off. I could see a million and one storms rage through his eyes. I knew well what he felt. From the time I was little I didn't have a lot of people in this world. I've had Katy since forever, and now I have melody. I used to have my mom. She was a wonderful person. But she's gone now.

He shook his head, "You're changing the subject, Chris." I took another moment, "I, Uh." I sighed,   "My kid deserves a better life than I had." Dally looked at me. His eyes suddenly held shock, "You- you have a kid?" I smiled and nodded, "Melody's one of the only things I have anymore."

He laughed, "Melody. Cause you sing." I laughed along with him, "That's the general idea. My best friend has been living up here for a while. She thought it would be a good place to raise my daughter." He grinned, "I don't think your friend has been here long enough. But if you can find the right people. Better be glad you found me instead of the like the Shepard's."

He looked disgusted at the thought. "Cheers to that?" I held up my glass. "Cheers to that." We touched glasses and downed our drinks.


I dropped my bag on the linoleum floor and strode into the kitchen. Katy was sitting on the counter eating from a tub of ice cream. She glanced up only for a mere second, "Fancy meeting you here." I grabbed a spoon and dipped it into her ice cream. "Is melody asleep?" She nodded. "Did you get the job?" She asked through a spoonful of chocolate. "Did Christmas Abernathy get the singing job?" We both laughed and I hopped onto the counter.

"So why did it take so long? Did you meet a boy?" She sing-songed. I stabbed the ice cream with my spoon again, "What's it to you?"  She grinned, surprised, and pulled the ice cream out of reach. "So you did? Oooooo. What's his name?!? What's his name?!! I know all the greasers in town," she said in a hurry as she threw the ice cream in the freezer and tossed both of our spoons in the sink. 

"Since WHEN is boys more important than ice cream!?!" I said with a hurt tone. "Since forever. I need to find you a boyfriend," she said. "Ya, as soon as I find you a girlfriend," I said as I pulled off my flannel revealing my yellow tank top underneath. She ran toward me and covered my mouth, "Shush!" She was whispered yelling, "If anybody figures out I'm queer, I can get in major trouble." 

I pulled her hand off my mouth and spoke slowly, "Unless my baby somehow become a walking, talking, homophobic slut, then I think we're gonna be okay." I smiled but Katy didn't seem reassured. I put my hands on her shoulders, "Katy, your my best friend I would never in a million years do anything that could get you hurt."

She smiled back, "Wishy Washy, change the channel." I gave her a look of pure sass and then we both burst out in laughter. "On a more serious note, yes I did meet a boy. Dallas Winston. But not like that dude," I said once the hysterics stopped. Her expression turned exasperated, "I'm never finding you a guy if the kind of people you meet naturally are Dallas Fucking Winston." 

I laughed, "Yeah not my problem." She thought for a moment, "There's a couple of super cute guys that work down at the DX, I'm sure your car is needing gas right about now." 

"It's two o'clock in the morning, Johnson." I deadpanned. 

"Tomorrow then?"

"I'm going to join Melody in a peaceful slumber," I said as I began walking to my room.

 "Righty-roo, ace," Katy said as she shut the door to her bedroom. 

I shut my door and stared out the window into the early morning. The stars were beautiful here. You can't see them well in the city. I haven't seen them this well since Mexico. I try not to think about that trip, but it's hard. It's hard when I see the eyes of my sweet baby girl every day. She has her fathers eyes. That's the only thing I allow myself to remember about him.

I walked over to Melody and stroked her cheek. She cooed awake and gazed up at me with eyes that looked like the moon. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Her eyes looked like her fathers. Warm grey with flecks of gold. But her fathers eyes held a thunderstorm energetic with bolts of lightning. Melodys eyes were like fireflies dancing across a warm summer night.

I hope she doesn't grow up like him. Stealing, drinking, raping, destroying life's....

I don't really hope she grows up like me either though. Abuse, rape, death, pregnancy, abandonment, indecision, trouble with the law, loneliness. The only person I have left in this world is a girl who doesn't belong here either. We're both outsiders together. 

But it's not enough. Katy is my best friend and I think everyone needs a best friend, but they need more than that. People should have more than one person they can rely on. Maybe coming here wasn't so bad after all.

Maybe Tulsa is where I find my calling. My love. My life. My peace....... 

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