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Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

A voice told her over and over and over to get up. To open your eyes and see what's waiting for you. What's ready to dominate your life once you're fully awake. But something in the back of her mind was telling her to not listen to that voice. That she should keep her eyes closed and keep them closed until she can't hear that voice speak anymore.

Melia. Wake up.

"No!" She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell at that voice and tell it to go away. But something the voice said had sparked her interest.

Melia. Melia. Melia.

Was that supposed to be her name? Her name was Melia? That didn't sound right. It sounded like someone gave her that name. Not a mother, not a father but someone she didn't know. Someone's identity she couldn't recognize. This made her think if she had remembered anyone. But she didn't. She couldn't remember a single name, a single face, a place she's been and that made her wanna scream again. The only thing she could remember were things like countries, states, what a house looked like, what animals were, and strange things like places to eat, and where you would go to shop for clothing. And yet, she couldn't remember her own family and her own friends, she felt like she had them though. Everything was so frustrating, she just didn't understand what was happening.
And suddenly, after what felt like hours, the voice came back.

Melia. Open your eyes.

This time she did scream. She could feel herself kicking and flailing around. Trying to ignore the stupid voice that sounded menacing, a menacing feminine voice, which kept repeating the same stupid words over and over. And then Melia couldn't help it.


She jolted from her sleep, screaming and punching anything she could touch. But all her knuckles would connect to was mid air or a metallic wall. Nothing. She saw nothing, it was dark and the air was stale and hard to breathe. But she was moving in some sort of caged elevator. "Hello?" She whispered, hands and knees on the ground, and her hair in her face. It was strange for her to speak. She almost scared herself because she felt like she hasn't heard her own voice in forever. 

"Somebody help me." She spoke again, her voice soft. "Hello?"

The constant noise of the elevator began to irritate her. Forcing her hands up to her ears while she sat legs to her chest. Melia felt as if she was going to go crazy if she didn't get out of this god damn place. Even though she knew nobody would respond to her, Melia kept pleading to get out and kept crying for help. no answer. 

Seconds, minutes, hours and she finally lost it. "HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE GET ME OUT! GET ME OUT!" She stood up and kicked the wall repeatedly, her fists punched the walls she was cornered in. Knowing that was gonna help none, she did it anyway. It was only then the caged-like elevator began to speed up, moving upward even quicker, which had Melia falling to the ground. Red lights had been spotted at the top and a warning-like beeping sound was heard. The girl began to panic, heaving as it looked like she was going to crash at the top. And suddenly, the world stopped. And she wasn't dead.

One last beeping sound was heard before a blinding bright light split through the top. Her hand quickly covered her eyes till she saw multiple shadows dancing around the light. When adjusting to the white light, she removed her hands. In which began mulitple sounds, whispers, gasping, yelling, so much noise and Melia could only watch as above were a various amount of boys at the top of the elevator. "What the hell?" she whispered to herself.

"Alby! Newt! Come take a look at this!" A panicked male's voice boomed causing her to flinch.

She tried analyzing their faces but the harsh light wouldn't let her see a thing. Which is when two masculine figures appeared blocking the light. One of the boys were darker skinned, with very prominent body features and a suprised look on his face. The other boy was pale with fluffy golden hair, who also had a look of suprise on his face.

"What do you see?" a voice in the distance yelled. "Did we get another ugly shuckface?"

The boy with the gold hair was fixed on Melia, shaking his head in pure shock, before he said something that frustrated her to even think about. "Gladers. We have our first bloody girl." 



*throws a new story at you* Yes hello it seems you have run into my new Maze Runner story. Thanks for actually reaching the end of this prologue. I very much appreciate it. The maze runner books have been my obsession for like two years now. So y'know why not make a fanfic on this amazing story, since like I'm so deep into this fandom. As you may have guessed, Newt will be the love interest, because he's bae obviously and who doesn't love newt? lol aaanyway, i really am excited for this story, a lot of shit goes down. also i know the prologue is short but i swear the chapters will be long.

If you are a To Protect You reader, please don't kill me.  I am going to update, I just need some time to get my shit together for it. Like it's been like what? 8 months? yup definitely need some time. but I love you for staying and keeping up with my loser self. >>> Aly.

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