Chapter 1

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"Don't touch me!" I warn the boy in the blond. Who apparently seemed determined to get me out of the elevator himself. "Throw something down and I'll get out myself."

The boy's eyebrows quirked and he shrugged. "Well you heard the girl, throw the rope down." He gestured to two other kids.

And so they did, the end of the vined rope was tied into a loop, big enough to put my foot through while I was pulled up and out of the box. Someone tried helping me off the ground and out of fear, I pushed their hand away. I was scared and confused of where I was and I tried looking around, but I was a short girl surrounded by a crowd of tall boys.

"What's your name?" This came from the darker skinned kid, who looked older than most. My lips were sealed, not because I didn't want to answer but because I was in shock. He crossed his arms, head held high. "My name's Alby, now you know my name. What's yours?"

My eyebrows furrowed, and my heart was pacing. "I- my name?" It's like I'd almost forgotten the name that felt wrong to say. "I think it's Melia. I don't know. I don't know anything. "

A couple boys snickered, I looked around at all of them wondering what the hell was so funny, that was before something in the background caught my attention. There was a large wall behind them and suddenly I could feel myself trying to walk through the group to get a better look. No one would part way, they kept their stand, in which had me backing up and turning back around to face Alby.

"Where am I?" I asked. His frown put me to the most discomfort. Well more uncomfortable than I already was.

"Nowhere good. But we call this place the Glade. It's been our home for 3 years. And you're just about the 50th boy whose come here."

My eyes squint in confusion. "I'm a girl." My arms crossed in annoyance.

"Yes exactly. And around you you'll see a bunch of guys who were expecting another boy."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I wasn't even looking at him. My eyes were on everyone else, gawking at me.

"What I'm talking about is the fact that you're the first girl that has been sent here." He says approaching me, step by step making me back up. Back up enough to make me bump into someone behind me. Quickly whirling around I was soon looking at an Asian kid, who quirked an eyebrow and smirked. I didn't say anything just went back to listen to what Alby was saying. "And if you act like a threat to us, I'll have to decide what to do with you."

"Well don't bloody scare the girl, or then she'll really act as threat." Says the blond with the English accent. He took a moment before approaching me. "Melia, my name's Newt. Do you know why you're here?"

"No. Like I said I don't anything. Why don't I know anything?" My hands were trembling, my voice was shaky. I was scared and nobody was giving me any answers. Only threatening me if I'd do something out of their rules. I think I'm on the verge of losing it again and lashing out at anyone who's in my way, even if that's the one thing they didn't want.

"Hey calm down okay? Everything's going to be fine." He says, standing a lot closer to me than I would've liked. "Just stay calm and we'll work this out a'right?"

I nodded, my eyes fixed on his brown ones. He turned back to Alby and they began to have a conversation to themselves. While everyone gawked at me, making me feel awkward. Then someone decided to break the silence.

"Of course she'll be a threat to us. Maybe the creators sent her here on purpose to destroy everything." A boy spoke. Once I'd processed what he said, my face contorted into anger and my fists were clenching.

"Well if that's the case then I call dibs on throwing her off the cliff before she does anything."

"You dumb shank, you can't just call dibs like it fair and we'll call dibs at the count of three."

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