Contest Rules and Guidelines

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How does it work?

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How does it work?

After writing and publishing your entry to your Wattpad profile we ask that you submit your story to us via a google form to be posted soon. Your story will be judged on multiple things, such as technical criteria and content criteria.

What do I write about?

The beauty of these contests is that the prompts change each month, so if you don't like this month's then you can wait until next month. The prompts may be pictures or characters or settings. It can vary widely.

How do I enter?

Once you've finished and posted your story to your page, all you'll have to do is fill out the submission form. The submission form will be made available shortly if not right away. You can also tag your story, BetaClubMonthlyContest or BetaClubMay. The more tags you have the easier it is for us and others to find your story later. The tag is optional. 

Who are the judges and how are we being judged?

The judging team consists of the Beta Club Admins or as we call ourselves, The Writers. You will be judged on a number of things, mostly Technical and Content Criteria. Judging subjects consist of:

Spelling and Grammar

Narrative voice

Relation to theme/prompt 

Creative execution

May Monthly ContestWhere stories live. Discover now