Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

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When does the contest start?

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When does the contest start?

The contest starts within the first week of May.

Where are the prompts

The prompt will be in a chapter within this book called, "prompts"

Do I need to follow a prompt?

Yes, but our prompts vary so they may be very loose or small so you'll have plenty of space to be creative.

Can I submit a story I've already posted to Wattpad?

Unfortunately, no. The point of the contests is to writers... well, writing. So we ask that you write a completely new story on your Wattpad.

Can I write and submit more than one story?

Yes! We encourage you to write, so if your brain is flooding with ideas, submit them all!

I'm not from the US, can I still enter?

Of course! However, your story must be in English for us to judge it.

I'm not 18 yet, can I still enter?

Yes! But you must be 13 years of age to have a Wattpad account.

When is the contest period?

The contest lasts about a month and a half, the judging period crossing over into the next month but not the writing portion.

I'm not good at graphics, will my cover be judged? 

Your cover will not be judged but if we find a particularly striking/creative cover you may win as a Top 5 (check "Prizes" chapter for more info on that)

What genre does my story have to be?

There is no specific genre! Do whatever you feel.

Can I use more than one prompt?

Unless specified otherwise, yes!

I'm not entering, but can I use a prompt for my own story?

Of course! You don't even need to credit us!

Can I change the prompt a little? Eg. characters, setting, gender.

Yes, to an extent. If the prompt is character-based or setting based, etc. then we ask you to stick to what the prompt says. If there is no mention of anything you want to change, go ahead!

How closely do I have to follow the prompt?

Not very closely but we need to recognize which prompt you used.

Can I use pre-existing characters?

Of course, you can use any pre-existing characters to write a brand new story.

Can I write a prequel/sequel/spin-off of my entry?


Can I co-write it with a friend?

Of course! But make sure everyone involved is credited. Not all of you have to publish the story on your Wattpad but there is a question on the submission form regarding including everyone involved so we can credit them.

Can I write a mature-rated story?

Yes, but make sure to fits Wattpad's content guidelines

Can I write a fanfic?

Of course, a retelling is allowed as well.

This chapter will be updated with more questions as they arise so feel free to ask away!

May Monthly ContestWhere stories live. Discover now